from 01.01.2017 until now
Krasnodar, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
UDK 621.01 Теория машиностроения (машиноведение). Механика как теоретическая основа машиностроения
BBK 344 Общее машиностроение. Машиноведение
The study objective is to develop a method of structural synthesis of closed kinematic chains of moving links into the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth subfamilies of the first family. Tasks: to obtain a complete set of solutions describing the arrangement of closed kinematic chains of moving links of the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth subfamilies of the first family with the complexity of the basic chain link equal to two and three, the mobility of the chain equaling to six and the total number of chain links from 3 to 6 based on the universal structural system of Professor L.T. Dvornikov for closed kinematic chains of moving links of the first family. Using the data obtained, consider the construction of a block diagram of a closed kinematic chain of moving links of the first family on a specific example. Research methods: a method of structural synthesis of closed kinematic chains of moving links of the first family is used. The novelty of the work: the peculiarities of applying a universal structural system for determining the composition of closed kinematic chains of moving links of the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth subfamilies of the first family are considered. An example of using the obtained combinations of kinematic pairs and links for the synthesis of structural schemes of closed kinematic chains of moving links of the first family is shown. Study results: combinations of kinematic pairs and links are obtained, which make it possible to find structural schemes of closed kinematic chains of moving links of the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth subfamilies of the first family under given parameters, from which single-moving mechanisms of the first family can be formed by stopping the link.
system, chain, links, diagram, mobility, kinematic pair
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