Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the features of forming the control impact on the social system of Tajik students studying at the Russian universities. The focus is on formalizing the processes of facilitating the students’ enrolment to study at a university; the processes of taking higher education programmes; the processes of involving the students in the active social life; the processes of possible expulsion; the processes of Tajik students’ graduation upon successful completion of the university. The methodological feature of the study is the use of context diagrams that provide the process of managing the social system of Tajik students studying in the Russian Federation in IDEF0 notation, as well as the subsequent formalization of all input and output parameters of the model. In addition, decomposition is presented that makes it possible to understand the features of admission management of the social system representatives of Tajik students to Russian universities using the tools of the BPMN specification. It is shown how to provide assistance to the successful implementation of the educational process of the social system representatives of Tajik students studying at the Russian universities. Also, the process of assistance in forming the social and living environment for learning and living for the social system representatives of Tajik students studying in the Russian Federation is formalized; educational work with the social system representatives of Tajik students during their studies at the Russian universities is carried out; assistance in conducting vocational training and in holding a job fair are fulfilled.

social system, Tajik students studying at Russian universities, management system

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