Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Wheeled tractors and wheeled earth-moving machines are widely used in road construction, in municipal services. The group of wheeled vehicles, numerous and varied in purpose and design, are general transport vehicles used for the transportation of various types of bulk cargo, and specialized vehicles designed to perform narrow target functions. A characteristic feature of these types of wheeled vehicles is their ability to work not only on roads with asphalt-concrete pavement, but also on deformable soil surfaces. When the wheels roll on the ground, the power consumption required to ensure the movement of the wheeled vehicle increases sharply, questions arise related to the passability of the vehicles, their controllability, and the loads in the transmission. In this regard, it becomes necessary to consider various aspects of the movement of machines in these conditions, in particular, the determination of the power spent on rutting and the depth of the track, which is what this study is devoted to. The use of the “stamp wheel” model in this work made it possible to obtain relatively simple dependencies that make it possible to calculate the track depth and the power spent on rolling both a single wheel on deformable soil, and during the sequential passage of the wheels with an expansion of the track, when the next wheel does not move. in the next ", ie exactly along the track laid by the first wheel, and with some lateral displacement. In this case, part of the wheel moves along the laid track, and the other part expands the track, compacting the previously non-deformable soil. The results of calculations using the derived formulas are in good agreement with the experimental data, which indicates the practical applicability of the obtained dependences.
contact mechanics of engineering surfaces, friction and wear of interfaces, tribotechnical materials science, mechanics and control processes, kinematics, dynamics, strength and reliability of machines and structural elements
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