Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A simplified method has been developed for assessing the loading of the load-bearing systems of passenger cars under thermal loading with a fire spot with limited properties. A system of simplifications for realizing a combustion spot is substantiated. A method for its implementation is proposed. The description of the object of research is given with the necessary thoroughness of presentation. A finite element scheme has been developed and adapted, taking into account the application of thermal loads in the system of an industrial software complex that implements the finite element method. Verification of the finite element scheme was carried out taking into account full-scale normative experiments. A conclusion is made about the possibility of the applicability of the finite element scheme for the study. Numerical experiments have been carried out to assess the carrying capacity of the body of a double-deck passenger car when it is exposed to a combustion center with known thermal parameters. The experiments were built and performed in a finite element method system. The results of simulations in the affected zone of the alleged fire were obtained for the conditional spot of its location. Comparison of the results with the static loading mode of the car body is considered. The analysis of the results obtained is carried out. A conclusion is given on the effect of a small localization fire on the carrying capacity of the car body. The proposed method is evaluated taking into account the possibility of further use

contact mechanics of engineering surfaces, friction and wear of interfaces, tribotechnical materials science, mechanics and control processes, kinematics, dynamics, strength and reliability of machines and structural elements

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