Kamensk Shahtinsky, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
UDK 629.4.072 Вождение, управление в целом, включая обучение и испытательные (экспериментальные) рейсы
BBK 392 Железнодорожный транспорт
The paper solves the problems of assessing the smooth running of a passenger train, the quality and comfort of passenger transportation by rail, as well as determining the level of professional competencies of locomotive crew members. A comprehensive computer model of a passenger train is developed, which makes it possible to study all the processes of controlling traction equipment and train brakes that affect energy efficiency, safety and dynamics of rolling stock. Using fuzzy logic tools, a technique is developed for rating employees of locomotive crews according to the criterion of ensuring smooth running of the train. The results of experimental trips by passenger trains on sections of the North Caucasus Railway are presented. The dependences of the locomotive traction force, the speed and the longitudinal jerk of the passenger train cars are obtained.
customer orientation, smooth running, computer model, train, logic, professional competencies, team
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