Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
VAC 2.5.11 Наземные транспортно-технологические средства и комплексы
UDK 621.0 Теория машиностроения (машиноведение). Ядерная техника
UDK 621.867 Транспортирующие устройства непрерывного действия. Конвейеры
BBK 344 Общее машиностроение. Машиноведение
The problem of choosing a conveyor drive layout using fuzzy partial criteria for uncertain operating conditions is considered. The paper objective is to choose the conveyor drive layout with the best efficiency indicator based on fuzzy values of particular criteria, taking into account various operating conditions. Research methodology. When choosing conveyor drive layout fuzzy set theories and a multi-criteria assessment of alternatives are used. The generalized criterion is formed from fuzzy expert assessments of particular criteria, taking into account various operating conditions. To compare the alternatives based on theories of Laplace, Wald and Savage, dephasing values of the generalized criterion are used. The novelty of the work. A technique is developed for calculating efficiency indicators to select the best solution from a variety of alternatives based on theories of Laplace, Wald and Savage on fuzzy expert estimates of particular criteria for uncertain operating conditions. Results. The problem of choosing a conveyor drive layout from a set of acceptable alternatives is formulated. A technique is developed for calculating efficiency indicators and choosing a conveyor drive layout from a variety of alternatives. An example of choosing a conveyor belt choosing a conveyor drive layout from 5 alternatives for 12 possible conditions is considered. Conclusions. The developed technique of choosing a conveyor drive layout allows assess to systematically the importance of fuzzy particular criteria, the influence of uncertain operating conditions on the choice of a drive layout. An example of choosing a conveyor belt drive layout shows that according to Laplace and Wald theories, the best is a drive layout with two drive units in the head of the belt drive, according to Savage theory – a drive layout with two drive units in the head and one drive unit in the middle of the belt drive. Three drive layouts are not among the recommended ones for any of the efficiency indicators.
layout, drive, conveyor, efficiency criterion, evaluation, conditions, operation, comparison
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