Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
graduate student
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
BBK 392 Железнодорожный транспорт
There are data on the mathematical modeling of the manufacturing process of gas dynamic treatment. The study objective is to obtain a mathematical apparatus that allows the calculation of the main manufacturing modes of gas dynamic treatment according to the destruction rate of operational pollution, as well as to the invasiveness of the body covering. To do this, the paper presents the main provisions of the mathematical model and the results of the research.
model, manufacturing process, rolling stock, painting
1. Kulkov AA. Ensuring the quality of pre-painting of the car lining surface by the gas-dynamic method. Transport Engineering. 2023;7(19):59-65.
2. Kulikov MYu, Kulkov AA. Technical and economic efficiency assessment of metal element abrasive-jet processing in railroad car bodies. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University. 2019;6(79):65-68.
3. Kulikov MYu, Kulkov AA. Technical and economic peculiarities of car surface processing before coloration. Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. 2019;5(95):39-41.
4. Kulkov AA, Evseev DG, Korytov AYu. Evaluating the effectivenessof surface treatment process before painting carriages. Metalworking. 2016;4(94):66-67.
5. Kulkov AA, Inozemtsev VE. Ultrasonic liquid matting of metal surfaces. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University. 2018;3(64):40-43.
6. Kulkov AA, Larionov MA. Peculiarities of metal surface abrasive jet processing before coloring. Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. 2018;12(90):15-20.