Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 621.785 Способы (процессы) нагрева и термообработки
BBK 392 Железнодорожный транспорт
The problem of increasing the service life of the friction unit parts (wedge, bar) due to technical measures related to increasing the intensity of quenching cooling of low-carbon steels – 20L,25L, 20GL (wedge); steels 20, 20L (bar). Examples of equipment providing the technological process of quenching and the results of studying mechanical properties of wedge materials after carrying out technological operations for intensive quenching cooling are given. It is shown that the proposed technological measures provide a guaranteed mileage of 500.0 thousand km of a friction unit made of three steel grades – 20L, 25L, 20GL; cast–iron - Ch25, Ch35, Ch70 and friction bars made of 20L, 20 steels. For mass production of steel friction wages and solid board of the truck model 18-100, draft specifications are prepared.
friction unit, equipment, cooling, testing
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