Tver, Tver, Russian Federation
Tver, Tver, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
UDK 621.45 Реактивные двигатели
BBK 392 Железнодорожный транспорт
Approaches to the analysis of the load-bearing systems of the bodies of double-deck cars, as well as the experience of their operation on domestic railways are analyzed. It is found out that for modern load-bearing structures of bodies with minimum permissible safety margin and stability of elements, it is advisable to pay more attention to specific loads, such as wind and loads associated with excessive solar radiation. The method of studying the influence of these factors on the load-bearing capacity of the elements of car body pressure shell is proposed. The method provides for both experimental simulation of exposure of the double-deck car roof with excessive solar radiation in combination with subsequent exposure to repair loads, and carrying out a complex of calculations based on the application of the finite element method (FEM). The conducted studies indicate the need for a more precise account of the influence of lateral wind load and excessive solar radiation when assessing the strength of the load-bearing structures of the double-deck car bodies. It is shown that the proposed technique makes it possible to take into account these specific loads on the basis of mathematical modeling with confirmation of the results obtained by the data of field experiments.
research, parameters, cars, external factors, methodology, strength, body
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