Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
UDK 621.7.01 Основы и теория обработки материалов и деталей, заготовок. Обрабатываемость. Факторы, влияющие на обработку. Условия обработки. Дефекты обработки
BBK 345 Общая технология машиностроения. Обработка металлов
The study objective is to increase the efficiency of machining eccentric shaft necks using a special tool such as a broaching cutter, where up cutting is used for machining and the rotational speeds of the shaft and the broaching cutter coincide and the tool has a feed parallel to the workpiece axis. The task to which the paper is devoted is the development of a method for calculating the geometric parameters of the layers cut by the teeth of the broaching cutter during the stock removal when machining eccentric shaft necks. The research is carried out using the geo-metric theory of cutting tools design and computer modeling methods. The novelty of the work is in the development of a method for calculating the geometric parameters of the layers cut by the teeth of the broaching cutter during the stock removal based on the construction, study and consideration of the features of spatial interference of the cutting surfaces formed by the cutting edges of the tool when machining eccentric shaft necks. As a result of the study, it is found that at not high values of the cross-feed of the tool (<10 mm/min), the area of the longitudinal section of the cut layer does not change significantly for different teeth of the cutter. Conclusions: the developed method for calculating the geometric parameters of the cut layers allows to evaluate and study the the stock removal with a broaching cutter when machining eccentric shaft necks in accordance with the method proposed by the authors.
broaching cutter, eccentric shaft, layers; stock removal
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