Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
UDK 656.072 Управление пассажирскими перевозками
BBK 3980 Перевозки на городском транспорте. Организация, безопасность и правила дорожного движения
The study objective is to reduce the level of accidents on the road network of cities and towns of Sverdlovsk region. The task is to study the temporal and spatial unevenness of road accidents; to find out the main causes and patterns of occurring places of accident concentrations; to propose measures to reduce the number of accidents. Research methods are mathematical and statistical methods of analysis, a full-scale experiment. The novelty of the work is the use of spatial and temporal disparity methods to study patterns of road accidents in cities and towns. The study results are that the main causes of road accidents in cities and towns are defined, the completeness of their distribution in time and location in space are determined. A list of measures to eliminate them is proposed.
safety, movement, arrangement, accidents, conditions
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