Methods and tools for automated detection of a security violator at the transport infrastructure facility (by the example of a seaport)
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Abstract (English):
The paper proposes methods and tools for automated detection of a security violator at a transport infrastructure facility. The work considers the possibilities of using autonomous technical means as a tool for illegally obtaining information on a transport infrastructure facility, which is necessary for preparing an act of unlawful interference. The means and systems for ensuring the transport security of the seaport are analysed. Research is carried out in the field of existing means and methods for the automated detection of such autonomous technical resources as unmanned aerial vehicles, to analyse the sufficiency or identify the need for further research and development; also the possibility of their use as a technical means of ensuring transport security is determined. The objective was set to develop an automated system based on the acoustic detection method with the subsequent video verification. In the future, this system can be used as an additional module for unmanned aircraft detection systems that are based on other detection methods. The integrated system allows minimizing the risk of errors of the first and second kind, which makes it possible to use it as a technical means of ensuring transport security

methods, tools, automation, intruder detection, information security, transport infrastructure, transport security, transport infrastructure facility security
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