Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
UDK 621.941-229.3 Устройства для установки, поддержания и закрепления обрабатываемых деталей. Передние бабки, шпиндели, патроны и т.д.
UDK 62-465 Полусферические, цилиндрические и подобные открытые полые предметы, например тигли, чаши, горшки, бутылки, бочки и т.д.
Designing techniques in turning op-erations for shell casings processing, is viewed. A structural and func-tional scheme of improve-ment practices for the technological conditions of shell casings mechanical processing and a con-ceptual model of the algorithm that can be implemented, including and specifically through modern digital technologies, are proposed.
classifier, algorithm, shell casings, fastening forces, cutting processing, defor-mations, cutting modes
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