Analysing non-linearity parameters and phase relationship of telecom-munication network analog-output terminations
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Abstract (English):
The main calculation ratios for the characteristics of nonlinearity are presented: amplitude characteristic, dynamic range and coefficients of nonlinear distortions (harmonic coefficients). The examples show the order of their calculation and analysis. The article indicates that due to the diversity of reception and transmission of multi-channel transfer systems measuring the phase-frequency characteristic is extremely difficult. As a result, approaches to normalising the group transmission time are proposed. The article presents that the value deviation of the group signal transmission time in the channel from the value measured at a frequency of 1.9 kHz in a simple voice frequency channel is normalised, as well as the relative group transmission time regarding the minimum value for various types of endings built on the basis of digital transmission systems

amplitude characteristic, coefficients of non-linear distortions, group transmission time, communication network, voice frequency channel
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