Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article highlights the main milestones of Eduard Semenovich Demidenko’s scientific biography, who is the founder and pioneer in the field of research and development of the philosophy theory of the world socio-technogenic develop-ment and the change in the life evolution in domestic science, who has been the head of the author’s Bryansk Interdisciplinary Scientific and Philosophical School at BSTU since 2002. Professor E.S. Demidenko’s ideas are connected with the need to comprehend the destructive impact of the processes of the world urbanization and technospherization on the biospheric life and man’s transformation. The article reviews E.S. Demidenko’s main achievements in the field of the world process of urbanization as the final stage of the technospherization process of the planet Earth; in the field of technogenic social progress; socio-technogenic development of the earthly life and the world; change in the life evolution on the Earth with the transition from the biospheric-biological to the socio-techno-biological system of life, namely post-biospheric; man’s global socio- and eco-technological transformation; methodological plan of the theory which is a systematic scientific socio-natural approach and a philosophical multidisciplinary approach to global phenomena, allowing sciences to explore universal and other significant problems of our time. Strategic promising areas of research are formulated, developed by the scientific and philosophical school with the support of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Ecological Academy and the country’s leading universities. The article concludes that the productive use of E.S. Demidenko’s concepts demands gathering all mankind’s healthy forces and developing a comprehensive strategy for the socio-biospheric development of Russia and the world.

E. S. Demidenko, urban studies, technogenic social progress, a person’s eco-technological transformation, changes in the life evolution, socio-natural approach, interdisciplinary research

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5. Demidenko E.S., Dergacheva E.A. Socio-Technogenic Development of the Earthly World: Interdisciplinary Research. Yelm, WA, USA: Science Book Publishing House; 2021. 172 p.

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9. Demidenko E.S., Dergacheva E.A. From the Global Degradation of the Biosphere to the Change in the Evolution of Life. Moscow: Publishing House of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 2017. 28 p.

10. Demidenko E.S, Dergacheva E.A. Economics of Con-serving Biospheric Biological Matter. In: Novikova AV, Shlemi-na IV, editors. Proceedings of the 3d Regional Scientific and Practical Conference: Socio-Economic Development of the Bryansk Region: Trends And Prospects; Moscow: RuScience: 2021. p. 89-95.

11. Demidenko E.S., Dergacheva E.A. Change in the Evo- lution of Life in the Conditions of Socia- Technogenic Develop- ment of the Earthly World. Vek Globalizatsii. 2020;1:71-82. doi:

12. Demidenko E.S., Dergacheva E.A. Global Death of the Biosphere and the Search for Ways to Preserve Biospheric Life. MSU Vestnik. Series 27: Global Studies and Geopolitics. 2021;2:3-19.

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17. Demidenko E.S. Noospheric Ascent of Terrestrial Life. Moscow: MAOR; 2003. 247 p.

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20. Demidenko E.S., Dergacheva E.A. Technogenic Devel- opment of Society and Transformation of the Biosphere. Moscow: Krasand; 2010, 2017. 288 p.

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