Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
In A.I. Subetto’s new work which is an article based on a scientific report made online at the International Professorial Club meeting dedicated to his 85th anniversary, a theoretical reflection is carried out on the scientific and worldview system called “Noospherism” developed by him. The structure, philosophical and ideological foundations and directions of scientific generalizations determined “Noospherism” as a theoretical system are revealed. The author shows that the society of creative noospheric labour is the social ideal that becomes the most important guideline in the strategy of Russia’s noospheric breakthrough in the 21st century.
noospherism, forming science and education, survival strategy, noospheric labour, scientific school of noospherism
1. Subetto A.I. Noospherism. Volume one. Introduction to Noospherism. St. Petersburg: Nekrasov KSU, Cyril and Metho-dius KSU, 2001. 537 p. ISBN 5-7591-0736-4.
2. Subetto A.I. Noospheric Development. Noospheric Hu-manism. Noospheric Teleology (Essays on the Man’s Noospheric Emancipation) ed. by Doctor of Economics, prof. V.A. Shamak-hov. St. Petersburg: Asterion, 2021. 222 p. ISBN 978-5-00188-015-8.
3. Subetto A.I. Noospherism is a Manifesto of a New Strate-gy for the Mankind’s Survival and Development on Earth and in Space: a report on February 6, 2022 at a meeting of the Interna-tional Professorial Business Club on the Theme “Man in the Modern World” ed. by Doctor of Economics, prof. M.V. Bakh-tin. Italy - Russia. St. Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. 32 p. ISBN 978-5-00188-145-2.