Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of studying the motivational aspects of young people’s choice for admission to the Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications during the pandemic are presented based on processing the data from the first-year students’ annual testing. The characteristics of the respondents participating in the study are given. The areas covered by the research methodology are substantiated, and the stages of its implementation are disclosed, since testing was carried out in a delayed online mode. A detailed analysis of the results obtained is presented, some indicators of which are evaluated in relation to those of the pre-pandemic period. The main directions of the research are brought to light and substantiated. The identified negative aspects arising due to the conditions of distance learning that affect the respondents are revealed. The findings characterizing a freshman’s generalized socio-psychological portrait are presented. Recommendations on working with first-year students in a pandemic from a psychologist’s position are formulated to the university teaching staff and administration.

conditions of the pandemic, socio-psychological testing, analysis of test results, motivation for choice, formatting a psychological portrait, the impact of the pandemic

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