Surgut, Tyumen, Russian Federation
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that emerging digital environment has given designers new means of expression and a new area of their use, and companies have the opportunity to reconsider their products and services. Currently, the concepts of “user experience” and “user interface” (UX and UI) are used to assess the digital product quality. The author presents how these categories correlate to each other and gives their understanding. The growing scale of production has forced industrialists to think how to simplify and reduce the cost of creating large quantities of goods. The aim of the study is to analyze the best practices for using design in business while forming constructing features of products at the project development stage of industrial design. At the same time, against the background of the market development, there is a need to highlight and label own products to distinguish them from those of the competitors’. Designing has become an integral part of branding and communicating with consumers. The author stresses three important elements for a company to be able to reinvent itself over and over again, namely a viable business model, technical capabilities to implement it, and knowledge of its clients. The first and second elements are often based on the industry expertise, the work of analysts and business experience, and the third requires a special skill that is to go beyond the office and find a common language with the client. In this regard, the author proposes the staging of design thinking. The article presents the areas of design thinking application from the product design to the service designs, as well as the mechanism for forming design thinking. The practical significance of this study lies in the fact that it will help companies to improve business processes and understand internal customers’ problem solving.
business, companies, industry, design, consumers, customer focus
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