Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Work objective is the determination of data on the frequency-domain behavior of components in the composition of the microcircuit and within the microcircuit as a whole, intended for using in DC voltage pulse converters. Research methods: simulation modeling. Research results and novelty: for microcircuits with an external frequency weighing network a frequency analysis scheme using an auxiliary operational amplifier and an active low-pass filter of the second order is proposed. Using a simulator in the LT-spice environment, the amplitude and phase frequency response data of the microchips of the step-down and step-up converters have been obtained. The possibility of technical implementation of the proposed scheme for experimental determination of frequency-domain behavior including final control of the parameters of the appropriate microchips has been noted. For microchips having built-in frequency weighing circuit, the possibility of determining frequency-domain characteristics during the formation of a test signal in an external control circuit has been confirmed. It is found that the use of this method for microchips with increased dynamic properties is problematic. Conclusion: the frequency analysis scheme using an auxiliary operational amplifier is suitable for both step-down and step-up DC/DC converters with an external frequency weighing network. This scheme can be recommended for experimental determination of frequency-domain behavior, including final control of the parameters of the appropriate microchips.
frequency-domain behavior (characteristics), gain margin, LT-spice, regulator, control circuit
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