A computer dynamic model of an automobile transmission with a double dry clutch, created using the "Universal Mechanism" software package, is presented. Work objective is to analyze the possibility of improving double dry clutch efficiency at various controls of compressive forces of clutch plates. The computer model contains 7 bodies: an engine crankshaft, two clutch plates, two gearbox input shafts for odd and even gears, an output shaft, a fly wheel. The simulation of gear shifting shows that pressing a clutch pedal or letting out the clutch simultaneously, cutoff time increment increases the rotational speed justification of the engine shaft and the input shaft of the actual gear, the total work of the friction forces of both clutches and does not affect the maximum value of clutch plates rotary sliding resistance. Frictional energy of the clutch when shifting gears from lower to higher is greater than when shifting gears from higher to lower. Sequential clutch on-off reduces the total frictional energy of both clutches by 1.17...1.31 times compared to simultaneous one. The model allows looking into different gearshift modes with uniform velocity or accelerated vehicle motion, optimize the gearshift strategy.
driveline, dual clutch, computer model, universal mechanism
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