Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
There are presented investigation results of polymer-composite parts abrasion. The dependences for the definition of surface roughness at polymer-composite material hydro-abrasive cutting are shown. The results of theoretical and experimental investigations of hydro-abrasive cutting processes are presented. A procedure for their carrying out, tool and equipment used is described. The results of experimental investigations on polymer-composite parts preparation to splicing are shown. A procedure for designing a technological process of polymer-composite parts abrasion is offered.

polymer-composite material processing, hydro-abrasive cutting, processing with leaf disks, surface roughness
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1. Tamarkin, M., Tishchenko, E., Azarova, A., Butenko, V. Surface quality formation at polymer composite details' abra-sive processing // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - 2020. - Vol. 918. - 9 p. - Article Number 012114.

2. Tamarkin, M.A., Butenko, V.I., Isaev, A.N., Murugova, E.V. Optimization of the flat stock cutting process by hydroabrasive jet // MATEC Web of Conferences. - 2018. - p. 226.

3. Tamarkin, M.A., Tishchenko, E.E., Verchenko, A.V., Novokreschenov S.A. Quality formation in surface layer at hydro-abrasive cutting // Bulletin of Mechanical Engineering. - 2020. No.3. - pp. 53-57.

4. Tamarkin, M.A., Tishchenko, E.E., Verchenko, A.V., Troitsky, V.M. Formation of surface layer quality at polymer-composite parts abrasion / Advanced Engineering Research. - 2020. - No.3. - pp. 235-242.

5. Tishchenko, E.E., Tamarkin, M.A., Verchenko, A.V., Kokhanyuk, A.G. Surface roughness support in parts at billet hydro-abrasive cutting // Chief Mechanic. - 2020. - No.4. - pp. 59-63.

6. Tamarkin, M.A., Verchenko, A.V., Kishko, A.A. Effectiveness increase at hydro-abrasive cutting of plate aircraft materials // Bulletin of MAI. - 2017. - Vol.24. - No.2. - pp. 104-114.

7. Tamarkin, M.A., Tishchenko, E.E., Verchenko, A.V. Optimization of sheet products hydro-abrasive cutting // Au-tomation. Modern Technologies. - 2019. - Vol.73. - No.6. - pp. 263-269.

8. Tamarkin, M.A. Verchenko, A.V., Kishko, A.A. Quality increase in hydro-abrasive cutting of aircraft material parts // Bulletin of Soloviyov RSATU. - 2017. - No.2 (41). - pp. 88-96.

9. Tamarkin, M.A. Verchenko, A.V. Roughness investiga-tion of cut surface at hydro-abrasive cutting // Bulletin of DSTU. - 2017. - No.2 (89). - pp. 116-130.

10. Tamarkin, M.A., Kozulko, N.V., Verchenko, A.V. Me-chanization of composite parts abrasion // Bulletin of Soloviyov RSATU. - 2017. - No.2 (41). - pp. 75-82.

11. Tamarkin, M.A., Kozulko, N.V. Mechanization of composite parts abrasion // Bulletin of Soloviyov RSATU. - 2017. - No.2 (41). - pp. 75-85.

12. Kozulko, N.V. Mechanization of polymer-composite parts abrasion for “splicing” operation // Bulletin of DSTU. - 2018. - No.18 (2). - pp. 179-189.

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15. Tishchenko, E.E., Tamarkin, M.A. Current state and outlooks in development of working methods in granulated working environment // Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. - 2020. - No.9 (111). - pp. 12-20.

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17. Hamouda, K., Bournine, H., Tamarkin, M., Babichev, A., Saidi, D., Amrou, H.E. Effect of the Velocity of Rotation in the Process of Vibration Grinding on the Surface State // Materials Science. - 2016. - №52 (2). - PP. 216-221.

18. Hamouda, K., Bournine, H., Amrou, H.E., Tamarkin, M.A., Babichev, A.P., Saidi, D. Effect of the velocity of rotation in the process of vibration grinding on the surface state // Materials Science. - 2016. - T. 52. - №2. - PP. 216-221.

19. Solovev, A.N., Van, T.N., Tamarkin, M.A., Panfilov, I.A., Wang, J.P. Modeling contact abrasive interactions in centrifugally rotary processing by finite element method // Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applica-tions (PHENMA 2018). Abstracts & Schedule., 2018. - PP. 34-336.

20. Tamarkin, M.A., Tishchenko, E.E., Chukarina, I.M., Sosnitskaya, T.S. Part Processing Technology in Trans-port Engineering // Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum. - TransSiberia. - 2019. - Vol. 1.

21. Tamarkin, M. A., Tikhonov, A. A. Metal removal in hydroabrasive machining // Russian Engineering Research. - 2014. - Vol. 34. - Is. 3. - PP. 175-177.

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