Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
GRNTI 55.01 Общие вопросы машиностроения
GRNTI 55.13 Технология машиностроения
GRNTI 55.35 Металлургическое машиностроение
The investigation results of the dependence of high alloy steel gas corrosion rate upon temperature are presented. Steel high corrosion-resistance is achieved at the introduction in steel alloy elements (chromium, aluminum, nickel). Steel 10C23N18 (a new sample and a sample from the furnace coil operated 6800h) and steel 10C17N13M2T at temperatures 500… 1000ºC were tested for heat-resistance.
gas corrosion, pyrolysis furnace, coil, high-temperature strength, steel, corrosion mass index
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2. Shlyamnev, A.P. et al. Corrosion resistant, heat resistant and high-strength steels and alloys: reference edition. - M.: In-termet Engineering. 2000. - pp. 232.
3. Tyusenkov A.S., Rubtsov A.V., Tlyasheva R.R. Heat Re-sistance of Certain Structural Steels, Solid State Phenomena. 265 (2017). 868- 872.
4. Bugay, D.E., Latypov, O.R., Cherepashkin, S.E. Corro-sion Resistant Materials: textbook. - Ufa: Publishing House “Oil-Gas Matter”, 2012. - pp. 197.
5. Makhutov, N.A., Chirkova, A.G., Rubtsov, A.V., Naum-kin, E.A., Gaidukevich, U.P. Estimate of pipe coil material strength of reaction furnace at inner pressure impact // Factory Laboratory. Material Diagnostics. - 2008. - No.1. - pp. 58-62.
6. Kravtsov, V.V., Latypov, O.P., Makarenko, O.A., Ibragi-mov, I.G. Corrosion and Oil Company and Oil-Chemical Equipment Protection: manual. - M.: Chemistry, 2010. - pp. 344.
7. Rubtsov, A.V., Naumkin, E.A., Fakhrutdinov, N.M. Expert examination of industrial safety, technical diagnostics, de-structive and non-destructive control at FPC objects // Proceed-ings of the Scientif. and Pract. Conf. March 18-19, 2015, Ufa. - 2015. - pp. 100-102.
8. Gareev, A.G., Nasibullina, O.A., Rizvanov, R.G. Peculiarity investigation of corrosion cracking under stress of steel H70 sample selected from focal area of destruction // Oil-Gas Matter. - 2015. - Vol.13. - No.4. - pp. 244-248.