Saratov, Saratov, Russian Federation
Saratov, Saratov, Russian Federation
Saratov, Russian Federation
As a method for the mechanical strength increase in products made of composite and its uniformity increase in a product there is offered a structure modification in a SHF electromagnetic field of a standard frequency range. It is defined that a SHF modification contributes to the increase of bend stress by 11 – 16 %, cut stress increase by 13 – 21 %. During tests for an inter-laminar shear the samples processed withstand stress by 14 – 15 % more than reference samples. The study of the micro-structure in reference samples and processed ones with the use of the fractal analysis procedure has shown that a fractal dimensionality of micro-objects of the structure of material worked increased as compared with a reference sample by 14 – 22 %. This fact may be accepted as one of the mechanisms for material strength increase at the expense of the increase of contact interaction points of the matrix and reinforcing fibers.
composites, carbon fibers, micro-structure, contact area, SHF (super-high frequency) electro-magnetic field, fractal analysis.
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