Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
A new method of composite treatment with the simultaneous impact of thermal energy of a current pulse and heat supply of a plasma beam is developed. The mechanism of a qualitative coating formation is shown at which the thick layer shaping with the improved micro-profile is achieved, where a micro-surface profile matching is achieved at the expense of the impact of concentrated energy supplied by a plasma beam to the surface of a molten coating causing an increased metal castability, its runoff from lugs into hollows and micro-irregularity height decrease. A mechanism of combined process behavior is developed which allowed creating a procedure of the design of technological modes, defining their place in technological transitions and substantiating maximum accessible technological potentialities of the method offered at the realization of working matters for science intensive products. The examples of the efficient use of a combined erosion-beam plasma treatment are shown, which extends a field of the method application and lightens a technological pre-production at the introduction into manufacturing science intensive products of new engineering generations.
combined treatment, electro-erosion, plasma coating, thermal energy, field of application
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