Donetsk, Russian Federation
Predstavleny funkcional'no-orientirovannye tehnologii pri proizvodstve detaley sudovyh dizeley dlya bolee effektivnoy ekspluatacii sudov i provedeniya planovyh remontov. Privedeny osobennosti organizacii remonta sudov, pokazany otlichiya funkcional'no-orientirovannyh tehnologiy, pozvolyayuschie realizovyvat' zadannye svoystva detaley. Privedeny i oharakterizovany elementy sistemy obespecheniya.
dizel' sudovoy, funkcional'no-orientirovannaya tehnologiya, planovyy remont, resurs detali, sistema obespecheniya.
1. Bashurov, B.P. Choice of strategy in technical maintenance and repair of pump system servicing propulsion engine of marine diesel plant // B.P. Bashurov, D.S. Tormashev // Shipbuilding. - 2011. - №1. - pp. 56- 59.
2. Mikhailov, А.N. Fundamentals of Functionally-directed Mechanical Engineering Technology Synthesis: monograph / А.N. Mikhailov. Donetsk: DonNTU, 2009. - pp. 346.
3. Mikhailov, А.N. Science intensive functionally-directed technologies in mechanical engineering / А.N. Mikhailov, Е.А. Mikhailova // Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. - 2011. - №1(01). - pp. 8-18
4. Mikhailov, А.N. Application of functionally-directed technologies at manufacturing marine internal combustion engines / А.N. Mikhailov, А.V. Kostenko, А.V. Lukichev // Bulletin of KamchatSTU. - 2015. - №33. - pp. 11-14.
5. Glukhov, V.I. Metrological support of quality in prod-ucts of mechanical engineering on geometrical value accuracy / V.I. Glukhov, D.B. Martemianov // Measurement World. - 2013. - №7. - pp. 1-13.
6. Kostenko, А.V. Peculiarities in synthesis of technological processes of parts for marine diesel engines / А.V. Kostenko // Efficient Technologies and Systems of Mechanical Engineering. - 2016. - №1 (52). - pp. 75-83.
7. Mikhailov, А.N. Peculiarities in designing functionally-directed technological processes / А.N. Mihailov, А.V. Kostenko // Proceedings of the Inter. Scientific Symposium of Technologist-Mechanists (Rostov-upon-Don, September 14-17, 2016). - Rostov/Don: DSTU, 2016. pp. 21-24.
8. Petrushin, S.I. Principles in optimization of mechanical engineering part life / S.I. Petrushin, R.H. Gubaidullina // Transactions of Tomsk Polytechnics University. - 2012. Vol. 321. - № 6. pp. 96-100.
9. Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering / А.G. Suslov, B.М. Bazrov, V.F. Beziyazychny et al.; under the editorship of А.G. Suslov. - М.: Mechanical Engineering, 2012. - pp. 528.
10. Machinery Quality: reference book. In 2 Vol. Vol. 1 / А.G. Suslov, E.D. Brown, N.А. Vitkevich et al. - М.: Mechanical Engineering, 1995. - pp. 256.
11. Suslov, А.G. To problem of optimum life support in machines and their parts // Bulletin of Mechanical Engineering. - 2014. - № 10. - pp. 35-39.