Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A generalized closed analytical solution of the problem of a quasi-stationary process in liquid vacuum freezing in a quiet state with regard to the thickness of the frosting layer ξ whereas heretofore numerical solutions of this problem occurred. The advantage of the analytical solutions obtained of the problem of a quasi-stationary vacuum freezing of moisture in a finedispersion state over existing numerical ones consists in the identification of an immanent tie between defining and determined parameters regarding a thickness of the frosting layer ξ. It is also possible to use them directly at the computation without resorting to the help of computers.

heat exchange, vacuum freezing, cooling, liquid, analytical method
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8. Lobanov, I.Е. Generalized analytical theory of quasistationary frosting on spherical surface (Stephan quasi-stationary problem): frosting on external surface with boundary conditions of the 1-st type on inner surface / I.Е. Lobanov // Branch Aspects of Engineering Sciences. - 2012. - № 6. - pp. 9-13.

9. Lobanov, I.Е. Generalized analytical theory of quasistationary frosting on spherical surfaces (Stephan quasi-stationary problem): frosting on inner surface with boundary conditions of the III-d type on external surface / I.Е. Lobanov // Moscow Scientific Review. - 2012. - № 7. - Vol. 1. - pp. 9-14.

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11. Lobanov, I.Е. Precise analytical solution of quasistationary problem of frosting (Stephan problems) on external cylindrical surface at zero cryoscopic temperature and boundary conditions of the Ist type on inner surface and the III-d type on external surface / I.Е. Lobanov // Moscow Scientific Review. - 2012. - № 9. - pp. 14-20.

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13. Lobanov, I.Е., Nizovitin А.А. Analytical theory of quasi-stationary frosting on flat surface (Stephan quasi-stationary problem): frosting with boundary conditions of the III-d type on wall surfaces and boundary conditions of the III-d type on surface of frosting / I.Е. Lobanov, А.А. Nizovitin // Branch Aspects of Engineering Sciences. - 2013. - № 5. - pp. 9-14.

14. Lobanov, I.Е. Precise analytical solution of quasistationary problem of frosting (Stephan problems) on inner cylindrical surface at zero cryoscopic temperature and boundary conditions of the Ist type on external surface and the III-d type on inner surface / I.Е. Lobanov // Moscow Scientific Review. - 2012. - № 10. - Vol. 1. - pp. 20-26.

15. Lobanov, I.Е. Analytical theory of quasistationary frosting on cylindrical surface (Stephan quasistationary problem): frosting on inner surface with boundary conditions of the Ist type on external surface and the III-d type on inner surface / I.Е. Lobanov // Branch Aspects of Engineering Sciences. - 2012. - № 12. - pp. 8-15.

16. Lobanov, I.Е. Generalized analytical theory of quasistationary frosting on cylindrical surface (Stephan quasi-stationary problem): frosting on external surface with boundary conditions of the Ist type on inner surface and the III-d type on external surface / I.Е. lobanov // Branch Aspects of Engineering Sciences. - 2013. - № 2. - pp. 14-21.

17. Lobanov, I.Е. Analytical theory of quasistationary frosting on cylindrical surface (Stephan quasistationary problem): frosting on external surface with boundary conditions of the III-d type on inner surface and the III-d type on external surface / I.Е. Lobanov // Branch Aspects of Engineering sciences. - 2013. - № 3. - pp. 8-15.

18. Lobanov, I.Е. Analytical theory of quasistationary frosting on cylindrical surface (Stephan quasistationary problem): frosting on inner surface with boundary conditions of the III-d type on inner sur-face and the III-d type on external surface / I.Е. Lobanov // Moscow Scientific Review. - 2013. - № 3. - pp. 19-26.

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