Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper reports the results of a dynamic analysis of suspension truck travel in a bridge crane with a linear drive. As compared with the existing designs this drive possesses a number of advantages and distinguishing capacities which should be taken into account at the formation of dynamic models. So, the interaction force between the elements of an electric motor affects the resistance value to a truck travel of friction forces. A nominal operating rate of linear electric motors exceeds 1 m/sec. The operating rates of the travel of most loadlifting machines and their separate elements are within the bounds of 0.1 – 1 m/sec. It is evident that even to maintain the same rate of travel the introduction of a control system is necessary. On the other hand, linear electric motors with the control systems possess high dynamic characteristics and may be used to reduce load oscillations on a flexible suspension which is particularly significant for technological cranes. A dynamic analysis is carried out for a singlemass and doublemass models. The results of computations confirmed a necessity for the drive control to obtain a working speed of movement and also to reduce load oscillations and dynamic loads upon mechanisms and a metal structure of a loadlifting machine. The analysis has also shown that a singlemass model does not give a complete comprehension of changes in a speed of a mechanism at acceleration and it should not be used at the design computations of movement mechanisms of this type.

linear electric motor, mechanical data, singlemass model, doublemass model, bridge crane, suspension truck
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