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Abstract (English):
A scientific and technological advance is inseparably linked with the development of leading mechanical engineering branches: aerospace industry, rocket production, electronic and atomics, power and chemical engineering to which high requirements are made. A constant increase of requirements to the quality of complete products, their life and reliability causes a necessity to use the certain groups of materials possessing high mechanical strength, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, high temperature strength. To the materials with such properties belong alloys based on titanium and corrosion resistant steel forming hard-to-machine material group (HMG). On the territory of the city of Komsomolsk-upon-Amur there are two works of defense industry (DIW). According to the mean estimate about 15-17% of DIW parts are used in ships, and about 10-20% - in planes. The firmware realization for the optimum cut-ting speed definition at hard-to-machine material, by the example of 12H18N10T steel and TT20 alloy is considered. The procedure for carrying out experiments confirming this express-method is described.

firmware realization, TT20 titanium alloy, 12H18N10T steel, cutting speed, cutting temperature, hard-to-machine materials
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