ГРНТИ 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
ББК 3297 Вычислительная техника
One of the difficult problems to solve has always been and still remains the problem of finding a path either in a graphic chart or a graphic maze of large size. The main problem is that traditional algorithms require a lot of time due to combinatorial complexity. At the same time, both classical algorithms based on the search of variants (such as Dijkstra's algorithm, A*, ARA*, D* lite), and stochastic algorithms (ant algorithm, genetic), alongside with algorithms based on morphology (wave) are not always able to achieve the goal. The article proposes a new modification of the path-finding algorithm, which is a hybrid of the following: the morphological operations on graphic chart approach and genetic algorithm having a useful property of elasticity in time. The experiments (both synthetic and real data) have shown the feasibility of the proposed idea and its comparison with the most commonly used algorithms of contemporaneity.
path search, genetic algorithms, morphological transformations of images
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