Брянск, Брянская область, Россия
Брянск, Брянская область, Россия
Брянск, Брянская область, Россия
ГРНТИ 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
ББК 3297 Вычислительная техника
The problems of analyzing metallographic images and the method of their solution using modern software for the analysis of metallographic images are described. There is given an analysis of microstructure images as the main indicator of the surface layer quality by the example of studying the research results of strain wave hardening combinations and chemical-thermal treatment, in particular the influence of previous strain wave hardening and subsequent thermal and chemical- thermal treatment on the alloy steel microstructure or previous thermal and chemical- thermal treatment and subsequent strain wave hardening. On the basis of the analysis the effectiveness of strain wave hardening and chemical and thermal treatment is established.
analysis, image, hardening, surface plastic deformation, surface layer, carburization, chemical and thermal treatment,microstructure
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