Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
В работе рассматривается обобщение задачи сумм-произведений. Обобщённый принцип данной проблемы сформулирован в гипотезе Эрдёша-Семереди. Вместо суммы Минковского множеств рассматривается множество значений f(x,y) однородного полинома f от двух переменных x и y, принадлежащих подгруппе мультипликативной группы G of поля положительной характеристики. В работе получена нижняя оценка мощности такой полиномиальной суммы. Данная тема имеет прикладное значение в теории информации и динамике при расчете вероятностей событий, а также в различных методах кодирования и декодирования информации.

Ключевые слова:
задача сумм-произведений, поле вычетов, мультипликативная группа, подгруппа
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This work touches upon questions of arithmetic combinatorics, which studies simultaneously additive and multiplicative operations on sets. One of the most fundamental questions is the problem of sum-product subsets. The detailed description of it can be found in the paper [1]. The problem below has numerous applications in several branches of mathematics, such as cryptography for codes and dynamical systems. The results associated with the problem of sum-product type in a field of positive characteristic enable us to solve the problem of estimating trigonometrical sums over subgroups, which is particularly important for number theory. These estimates make it possible to describe the distribution of the elements of a multiplicative subgroup in a field of positive characteristic. 
Let A be a finite non-empty set of elements of a ring K (for example, a finite set of integers). Consider the sum and product of A with itself:
Obviously, the cardinality of both these sets is at least   and in general the expectation is that it to be close to  . However, if   is closed under addition and multiplication (  is closed to a
subring), then the cardinality of both sets   and  can be comparable to . For the ring
of integers, the Erdos - Szemeredi’s hypothesis says that there exists a positive number for which the following inequality holds:
for any finite subset   of a ring. The inequality means that there exists a positive number  such that  . This is the sum-product phenomenon: if the finite set   is not close to a real ring, then the sum   or the product  must be considerably larger than  and close to  .
This phenomenon was not proved, however, there is Erdos - Szemeredi’s theorem for finite set of integers which states:
where   – positive constant. 
Estimates for the constant   were constantly improved. If the set  , then best result was proved by Solymosi based on the Szemeredi-Trotter theorem:
 .                                                (4)
Remark: Consider the analogous problem of estimating the cardinality of the set  In the construction of this problem both additive and multiplicative operations are applied. It is known that  .
In 1999 Tom Wolf (see [1]) raised the idea of looking for the phenomenon of sum-product type in finite fields  of prime order (such fields do not have non-trivial subrings). In particular, the inequality (3) holds if  and   does not coincide with the entire field  , in the sense that   for some   (it is reasonable that   should depend on  ), which was subsequently resolved positively. Now the corresponding result is known as the theorem on estimates of sums of products for   (later he had new proofs and refinements).
It follows from the sum-product phenomenon that if the set  of medium size  has a multiplicative structure (for example, is a geometric progression or multiplicative subgroup), then it cannot have an additive structure: the sum  is more larger than the original set  . Further, it is concluded that sets with multiplicative structure are uniformly distributed in the additive sense.
There are some modern results in the sum-product problem: 
Theorem (Konyagin-Shkredov, Rudnev-Steven-Shkredov, 2016 - 2017)
Let  . Then
where   is infinite,   is an absolute constant.
Theorem (Roche-Newton-Rudnev-Shkredov, 2016, Askoy-Yazici-Murphy-Rudnev-Shkredov, 2017) 
Let  ,  . Then
Additive shifts of multiplicative subgroups

This problem is widely applicable in algebra, for example, in the study of additive shifts of multiplicative subgroups.
GarciaandJ. Volochin 1988 [7],using some algebraic ideas, provedthat for any multiplicative subgroup    and any  : 
 .                    (5)
D. Heath – Brown and S. Konyagin [4] simplified the proof of this fact and improved the constants in 2000 with the help of method of S. Stepanov [6], that is extremely popular in number theory. After that in 2012 I. Vyugin and I. Shkredov [3] generalize this fact for the number of additive shifts:
Let   - multiplicative subgroup,   – an integer,  . Let   - different non-zero residues and   – an invariant set such as:
This theorem leads to the statement about the maximum of the cardinality of the intersection of   additive shifts of subgroup:
In other words,
If  , where   – some sequences of positive numbers and  . 
Also, in that work another additive characteristic of multiplicative subgroups is considered, namely, the cardinality of its sum and difference. The estimate (5) leads to 
For any  , for which  . Indeed, considering the cardinality of union of group   with some   elements of group  
then it equals to
from (5). If taking  , where   – some constant, then the previous inequality will look like:
The last part of the sum is linear, that can be omitted, so:
that means that
This result will be generalized for polynomials in Theorem 2(trivial bound). 

D. Heath – Brown and S.Konyagin proved the inequality
for all subgroup  , for which  . Using the combinatorial idea, I. Vyugin and I. Shkredov made the previous inequality stronger:
for all subgroup  , for which  .
In this work the problem of the sum-product type for multiplicative subgroups is extended, and the lower bound of the number of solutions for the set   where   is a multiplicative subgroup, is obtained. The obtained estimate generalizes the earlier ones (see [1, 2]). These estimates are a corollary of author’s result if the linear polynomial  is considered.


Definition 1. Let us call the polynomial  good if it is homogeneous with respect to  ,  and  is absolutely irreducible (it is irreducible over the algebraic closure of  ).
Definition 2. For a prime number   and a natural number  , let us call a group – admitted if  and  .
Theorem 1 (I. Vyugin, S. Makarychev). For any natural number   there exist constants   such that for any prime number  , for any  – admitted group  , for any good polynomial    of degree  , for any natural   and numbers   in different  -cosets, there are at most
pairs   for which   for some  . Later one of the constants in the last theorem was found exactly:  

Main results

Let us begin with the supporting statement:
Lemma. Let   be a homogeneous polynomial of degree   such that the polynomial   is irreducible over algebraic closure of  . Then the polynomial  , where   is a constant in    is irreducible over the closure of  .
Proof. For any   from   there must be denoted by the root of the   – th power from   in the algebraic closure of  .The polynomial   is irreducible because if
then substituting into this equality   and   instead of   and  , then
i.e.  is reducible, that contradicts to the assumption. So,
is irreducible. Multiplication by the constant α does not change irreducibility.
Theorem 2 (trivial bound). For any   there exist   such that for any prime number   – admitted group   and a good polynomial   of degree  :
Here   is the set of all elements of   that can be obtained by substituting all possible elements of   as .
Proof. Consider the equation  . There are two cases:   and  .
1)    For any  , the Theorem 1 can be applied (according to Lemma,   is absolutely irreducible), taking   (that   has at most  solutions for a constant   depending only on the polynomial  ).
2)     If  , then the number of pairs for which   is at most  .
a) If  (  vanishes when   is substituted), then there are no more than   values of  (for example, the leading coefficient of   must vanishes, and its degree in   is not greater than  ). They give no more than   pairs for which the   vanishes.
b) If the polynomial does not vanish (the given   is substituted), then it turns into a nonzero polynomial in   of degree no greater than  . Therefore, this polynomial has no more than   roots. In total, this gives at most   pairs for which the polynomial vanishes. Now it is needful to estimate the number of values of good   on elements from the  –admitted group G.
As   (see Definition 2), then  
As it was proved above, there are at most   solutions
this means that there are smaller than one fiftieth of all possible pairs. Remaining at least   pairs must somehow be distributed among other values of  , but each of these values does not exceed   pairs. Hence, the number of values cannot be less than
As   (see the Theorem 1), then
The goal of this paper is to improve the lower bound of the number of solutions of the set  .
Theorem 3 (non-trivial bound). For any   there exist    such that for any prime number   – admitted group   and a good polynomial   of degree  :
Proof. Suppose the contrary. Then there exists  , for which Theorem 3 is not correct. Then for any constant   there are the  admitted group   and the good polynomial   such that
To obtain a contradiction, Theorem 1 must be applied. Thus, for   it needs to be chosen some
  satisfying the condition of Theorem 3. After this let us choose   such that
Take any bad pair   for the chosen  . All possible values of   that are not more
than   can be arranged in the form of the Young tableau in such a way that each row contains values from one   -coset, and in different rows - from different  -cosets . Thus, each line of the resulting diagram has no more than   elements. Let us estimate from above the number of pairs   for which the value lies into one or another column.
If some column has   elements, then it can be noted that  . Therefore, since all the elements of the column lie in different  - cosets, according to the Theorem 1, there exists at most   pairs   for which   lies into this column. The number of pairs for which   is at most   (see the proof of Theorem 2).
Now it can be denoted the column lengths for   and estimate the total number of pairs:
On the other hand, by the inequality on the power averages:
The sum of all  is the total number of cells in the table, so it does not exceed  , whence:
As  (see Definition 2), it is a contradiction, and therefore, theorem is proved.
The constant
as   was not found yet.

In this paper, the sum-product problem for multiplicative subgroups is expanded, and the lower bound for the number of solutions for the set   is obtained. The received estimate generalizes the ones previously obtained (see [1,2]). These estimates are a consequence of the obtained result assuming that the polynomial   is linear.  The results that are considered in this paper, are intricately connected to another problems in additive combinatorics, namely, the additive energy of two sets and the structure of sumset problem, which allows to obtain the improved estimates for the cardinality of such sets.

Список литературы

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