Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
1999-8775 (print)
Periodicity (English)

Periodicity of journal publication is every month – up to 100 pages.

Russian science citation index:
Yes 25674
Russian higher attestation Commission:


 of submission, reviewing and publication of papers in

Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University


  1. Scientific and technical papers reflecting the results of research, experimental and design developments, and other scientific and technical activities conducted by the author (s), which should correspond to the subject matters of the journal, are accepted for publication.
  2. Authors should provide original works containing reliable results of the scientific research done. When using text or graphic information borrowed from other papers, references to relevant publications are required. If the parts of the submitted manuscript have already been published, the authors should refer to the earlier paper, showing the difference between the new submission and the previous ones.
  3. Submission of a paper to more than one journal is unacceptable and is regarded as unethical behavior of the authors.
  4. For publication in the journal papers are submitted electronically:
  • the text of the paper signed by all authors (program database file (PDF)); all margins are 20mm;
  • the text of the paper (DOCX file; Word-2010 and newer);
  • expert opinion on the possibility of publishing the paper content in open access (PDF) – for working citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • written recommendation of the supervisor (for graduate students, master and bachelor degree students who submit a paper without co-authors) (PDF);
  • a package of figures and illustrations (TIFF, JPG files with 300 dpi at least).

After the paper is accepted for publication, the author/authors and the founder sign a License agreement.

The text of the paper should be carefully checked by the author.

  1. All reviewers are recognized experts in the field of the reviewed materials and have papers in the same scope published within the last 3 years. The members of the editorial board of the journal, who have knowledge and experience in the research area close to the topic of the author’s manuscript, are mainly involved as reviewers. Reviewers’ recommendations are the basis for the decision to publish the paper. Specialists working in the same institution as the author (authors) of the paper cannot be reviewers. The papers should be reviewed within 20 days of submission. If the review recommends paper revision or the paper is rejected, a copy of the review is sent to the author. Reviews of papers are kept in the editorial office for 5 years. When the editorial board receives a corresponding request, copies of the reviews are sent to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
  1. Files submitted to the editorial office should be named after the first author (for example, Ivanov_I.I.).
  1. The paper for this journal should be 6-10 pages of A4 format (automatic hyphenation mode), including graphs, figures, tables and references.
  2. The text of the paper should be 1- spaced (see the paper templet attached) and contain:
  • in the upper left corner - UDC (letter height is 12 pt);
  • title of the paper (uppercase letter height is 14 pt, bold, center alignment);
  • initials, surname of the author (authors) (if there are more than one author, then they are separated by commas, letter height is 12 pt; paragraph is 10mm; superscripts in Arabic numerals are for author affiliation and * sign is for the corresponding author);
  •  author affiliation should include the name of the institution of each author (without mentioning its legal entity form), full institutional address for each author (if authors have the same affiliation and institutional address, then it is given once), e-mail address for each author, and his Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID);
  • abstract of 150-250 words (letter height is 10 pt; paragraph is 10mm) should summarize
    • the goals,
    • the problem to which the paper is devoted.
    • methods, experimental and design developments,
    • new results and conclusions;
  • keywords (3 – 15 words; letter height is 10 pt; paragraph is 10mm);
  • optionally:

-  acknowledgments (… authors acknowledge … );

- data on research funding (… this paper is funded by …);

  • paper text (letter height is 12 pt; paragraph is 10mm) should either have the following parts: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, or be divided into Introduction, Part 1 (name), Part 2 (name), …, Results/Conclusion;
  • a reference list (letter height is 10 pt; the title is in uppercase letters); references include only those that are cited in the paper text; they are compiled in accordance with GOST 7.0.5 and are listed in the order of their citing in the paper text; references published in English-language publications are cited according to Vancouver Style;
  • optionally:

- a reference list which contains references according to the subject matter of the paper and they are not cited; they are listed alphabetically and compiled in accordance with GOST 7.0. 100; references published in English-language publications are cited according to Vancouver Style;

  •  information on the authors: academic degree, academic title, phone numbers, position, honorary titles, membership in scientific and professional communities, international IDs (optionally), Scopus-Author ID, Research- ID-Web of Science, Author-ID- RSCI (letter height is 10 pt);
  • data on the contribution of each author (letter height is 10 pt) – optionally;
  • data on the absence of conflict of interests (letter height is 10 pt);
  • optionally – appendix.
  1. The title of the paper should be informative, clearly reflect its content in a few words (mostly keywords). The abstract should make it possible to understand the main content of the paper, its relevance and whether the reader should refer to its full text or not (one of the ways to write an abstract is to give a brief summary of the paper structure, including goals, objectives, methods and results).
  2. The text of the paper should be well-structured. For example, it can contain the following parts:

- Introduction is to perform three main functions: problem statement, justification of its relevance and a review of the reference information that will allow the reader to understand the material presented without referring to additional sources. We recommend structuring these three functions in three paragraphs;

- Materials, models, experiments and methods is the section that briefly describes the research plan, the sequence of its stages and contains the justification for the author's choice of certain methods at each stage, since this section is devoted to the analysis of methodological tools used by the author, which allows the reader to assess the validity of the obtained research results;

- Results is the section that systematizes the statistical data collected as a result of the experiment, summarized in tables, diagrams, graphs, etc.; it, as a rule, does not contain the author's interpretation and contextual analysis, but contains only objective results presented in the best form for perception.

It is allowed to divide the text of the paper into headings and subheadings according to the subject matter of the paper.

  1. Formulas, letters (uppercase and lowercase, Latin and Greek alphabets), numbers, and other characters should be readable. All Latin letters are typed in italics, all Russian and Greek – upright. Formulas should be in 12 points Microsoft Equation 3.0 (Word-2010 and newer).

12. Figures, graphs, charts, diagrams, tables and other graphics should be embedded to the text (after their mentioning) and should have legends (letter height is 10 pt, center alignment), and tables should have headings. Figures can be inserted in the text with runaround. Lettering in figures should be 10 points in Times, upright, starting with a capital letter. Formulas should be in a word processor compatible with MS Word 2010 and newer. Captions under figures (always) and letterings in figures (as a rule) are given in Russian and English.

13. Reference list should be in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of making and contain at least 10 references not earlier than the year 1980 and mainly presented in Higher Attestation Commission publications and in the international databases Scopus and/or Web of Science.

    1. All measurements should be in SI units.
    2. The editorial board evaluates the submitted documents in terms of their completeness (in accordance with paragraph 4), screens the text of the paper for unoriginal material using "Antiplagiat" system and reviews the papers in terms of relevance, scientific novelty, quality, compliance with the main scientific and technical fields of the journal. The level of unformulated borrowings of the paper text (including the reference list) should not exceed 12%.
    3. If the paper is returned for revision by the editorial board recommendation (up to 7 working days), the journal indicates the date of receiving the corrected text.
    4. Authors of papers are not paid a fee; papers are published free of charge.
    5. The papers that do not correspond to the subject matter of the journal and those not meeting its requirements, as well as submitted not in full completeness, will not be accepted. Papers that do not meet the criterion of originality according to paragraph 15, and/or have received two negative reviews are not published. Manuscripts are not returned to their authors. The editorial board is not obliged to review all incoming materials and does not discuss rejected manuscripts with the authors.


Guidelines for the preparation and execution of scientific articles in journals indexed in international scientometric databases

Article template

Examples of the bibliographic list

Source List Design Examples

GOST P 7.0.100-2018

Guidelines for authors

The model author's contract

Evidence Journal Bulletin BSTU

Testimony ISSN Journal Bulletin BSTU

The order of publication of articles

Instructions for finding the author's ID in the RSCI

Instructions for finding the author ID in Scopus

Instructions for finding the author ID in the WoS

Instructions for registering the author with ORCID

Citation Guide Using Vankouver Stile

Scientific publication in IMRAD format - article

GOST P 7.0.7-2021

GOST P 7.0.5-2008 - Bibliographic Reference



The editorial board of Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University adheres its activities to the Russian Federation law of 27.12.1991 № 2121-1 (updated of 03.07.2016) "On Mass Media", the Regulation of 14.09.2015 "On the journal Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University ", as well as the recommendations and standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors,http://publicationethics.org/).

The editorial board of the journal does its best to comply with ethical standards adopted by the international scientific community, studies and takes into account the valuable experience of reliable international journals and publishers.

The Declaration of Publication Ethics contains the general principles and rules of relationship of participants involved in scientific publications (authors, reviewers, editors, publisher).


Manuscript Assessment

The papers submitted to the journal should contain the scientific research results obtained by the authors, which have not been published anywhere before.

Reviewing papers submitted to the editorial office of Bulletin of BSTU is aimed at ensuring the high quality of scientific papers published in the journal. All papers submitted to the editorial office for publication are reviewed.

The scientific paper undergoes peer-review twice: internal peer-review is carried out by the experts of Bulletin of BSTU editorial board; external peer-review is done by experts who evaluate the level and clarity of presentation of the submitted material, whether it fits to the journal’s aim and scope, if your work is new and original as well as the conclusions are reliable. Reviewers' recommendations are the basis for the decision to publish the paper. The paper can be rejected both at the stages of internal and external peer-review.

The editorial board is fully responsible for the decision to publish the paper.

The editorial board of the journal makes its decision on publication, adhering to the editorial policy of the journal, taking into account current copyright laws, evaluating manuscripts according to their scientific content. In case of a positive decision of the reviewers and the editorial board, the paper is published in the next issue of the journal; authors hold copyright.

In case of rejection to publish, the author is given feedback with reasoned decision. The manuscript of the rejected paper is kept in the editorial office for at least 1 year. The paper review is sent to the author without the name of the reviewer but indicating the period during which the author can give his answer to the review. In case of giving sound explanation by the author, a second peer-review is carried out, and the decision to publish the paper is made again.


The editor and editorial staff are not entitled to:

• to disclose information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding authors, reviewers, other editorial advisers and, if required, the publisher;

• to use unpublished materials of the submitted manuscript without the author’s permission.


Conflict of Interest

In case of any conflict of interest based on competitiveness, cooperation or other kinds of relations with one of the authors, companies or institutions associated with the submitted manuscripts, the editor sends the manuscript for reviewing to another member of the editorial board.

In case of complains on violation of publishing ethics concerning the submitted manuscript or published article, the editor together with the publisher should take adequate measures. Every report of unethical conduct should be considered, even if it comes years after the publication of the article. If the complaint is supported by the editorial board of the journal, appropriate corrections, denials or apologies should be published.


Review Storage and Provision

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, reviews of scientific papers are stored in the journal office for at least 5 years and can be provided to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request. If the paper is rejected, the authors are sent a review of the paper containing the reasons for the rejection to be published in Bulletin of BSTU.



Contribution to Editorial Decisions

The reviewer evaluation contributes to making editorial decisions, as well as to improving the quality of the published article through the cooperation of the editor and the author.

When discussing the author's response to the review, the reviewer has the right to participate in the debate.


Rapid Decision Making

The reviewer should inform the editor and excuse himself from the review process if he feels unqualified to review the research presented in the paper, or he knows that he cannot meet the deadline.



Any manuscript submitted for review should be treated as a confidential document. It is not acceptable to show it to other reviewers or discuss it with other experts without the permission of the editor-in-chief.


Standards of Objectivity

Reviewers should express their opinion clearly and reasonably: reviews of scientific works should be objective and do not contain personal criticism of the author.

Authentication of References

Reviewers should:

• analyze the sources used by the author of the paper, as well as the quality of bibliographic references of the citations used in the paper;

• identify published materials in a peer-reviewed manuscript that are cited but not bibliographically referred by the author;

• draw the editor's attention to significant or partial similarities with another paper which is familiar to the reviewer.


Information Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Confidential data or ideas, which the reviewer learns during the review, should remain confidential and should not be used for personal gain or transferred to third parties. Reviewers should not be involved in the review and evaluation of manuscripts in which the reviewers are personally interested. Unpublished manuscript should not be used by the reviewer in his own research without the written permission of the author.



Reporting Standards

Authors should provide reliable results; objectively assess the significance of their research. The data of the research should be clearly presented in the paper, containing sufficient information so that others could replicate the experiments of the authors.

Before the paper is submitted to the editorial office for consideration, authors should obtain a written permission (expert report) of the organization to which they are affiliated for using the paper content.

Authors can give information about the funding of the research, which results it describes.


Data Access and Storage

Authors may be asked to provide initial data for editorial review. They should be ready to provide open access to such data if required within a reasonable period of time after publication.


Originality and Plagiarism

Authors should submit only original papers. When using text or graphic information of third parties or from their own but already published papers, references to relevant publications or written permission of the author are required. While reviewing the submitted papers, the editorial board screens them for unoriginal material.



Duplicate[1], redundant[2] and competitive[3] publications

Authors should indicate in the abstract that their paper is published for the first time. If the parts of the manuscript have been previously published in another paper, authors are encouraged to refer to the prior paper and show the significant difference between the new submission and the previous paper. Verbatim copying of own works and their paraphrasing are unacceptable; they can be used only as a basis for new conclusions.

Submitting an article to more than one journal is considered unethical and unacceptable.


Authentication of References

Authors should acknowledge the contribution of other persons who have influenced the study. Bibliographic references to the works used are considered necessary. Information received from third parties privately should not be used in the manuscript without their written permission.



The list of authors is limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the research, the progress and results of which are described in the paper. All those who have contributed substantially should be listed as co-authors. The article may contain information about the participants of the research project. The corresponding author should ensure that the names of all co-authors and participants of the project are listed, and that all co-authors have given their permission to its publication, having read and approved the final manuscript before the submission.


Quality of Submitted Manuscript

The paper should be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the journal editorial board. The authors should contact the editorial board to deviate from these requirements. The information provided about the authors should be reliable. In case of any changes in the information, the authors should notify the editor.


Glaring Errors in Published Papers

If the author finds a glaring error or inaccuracy in his published article, he should immediately inform the editor or publisher of the journal and assist them in eliminating or correcting the error.

If the editor or publisher learns from a third party or from the publications of other authors that the paper published in the journal contains glaring errors, the author should immediately eliminate or correct them, or prove the correctness of the original article to the editorial board. If the fact that the published article has glaring errors is confirmed, the editorial office should publish information on it.




Doctor of Engineering, Professor            A.V. Kirichek



[1] The material which is with no changes submitted to more than one journal simultaneously.  

[2] The material which is published several times in different journals and in various formats and styles so that it looks as not the same.

[3] Publications in which authors come to different (competitive) conclusions on the basis of the same experimental data. 

Board for Ethics of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers


Order of Publishing Papers

1. Including a set of documents for publication from the author into the editorial database. The author can send these documents by e-mail or to the electronic edition of the journal (on the website).

2. Checking whether the materials submitted by the authors for paper publication are complete.

3.  Screening manuscripts for unoriginal material using "Antiplagiat" system. The maximum permissible level of references cited is 30%of the whole text.

4. Peer reviewing of the paper by the members of the editorial board or by third-party expert referees.

5. Technical and editorial support of the paper reviewing.

 6. Informing the authors about the need to revise the material of the paper (if there is a reviewer’s comment) or about the rejection to publish the paper in the journal (by e-mail).

7. Checking of the revisions made by the authors based on the reviewer’s comments (if any).

8. Scientific and literary editing of the electronic versions of papers, providing authors with the necessary assistance to improve the structure of the paper, the choice of terms, illustrations, adjusting the reference list in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of making».

9. Checking in the original sources the correctness of cited quotations and digital data, using and spelling of names and technical terms, measurement units, compliance of characters with their designations, standards or adopted in the scientific literature norms.

10. Approval of the paper text after editing by e-mail.

11. Translation of the paper title, authors' names, abstract, keywords, information about the authors and references into English.

12. Preparation of the electronic version of the license agreement between the editorial board and the authors concerning the processing of authors’ personal data, the metadata of published paper to assign ID DOI (Digital Object Identifier) in order to provide Internet users with further opportunity to search, view and use the paper for informational, scientific and educational purposes (for papers advised by reviewers for publication).

13. Making a print license agreement between the editorial board and the authors and sending it by mail.

14. Correspondence with the authors of the paper (registration of the license agreement with the authors).

15. Registration of the paper authors and its metadata, sending it to CrossRef, and assignment of DOI to the scientific publication. Putting information on DOI into the print article.

16. Making up an electronic layout of the papers and the journal.

17. Make up proof of the journal layout before sending it in print.

18. Getting an approval of the editor-in-chief for the journal layout.

19. Circulating the journal and posting it on the website.

20. Posting the journal in scientific electronic library E-library.ru.

21. Posting the journal on the website of the Russian Book Chamber and the Russian State Library. A mandatory electronic copy of the publication.

22. Distribution of the journal to subscribers, customers and mandatory print copies to the Russian Book Chamber.



Taking into account that the main purpose of retractions is to amend published information and ensure its integrity, but not to punish the authors who have committed violations, despite the fact that the analyzed citations from previously published material were used by the authors mainly from their own articles, the Council on Publication Ethics of Bryansk State Technical University, the founder of Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, made the decision on the retraction of several articles.

Information about retractions of scientific papers is published in Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University and passed to electronic libraries, Association of Science Editors and Publishers, website Disseropediya and in other information sources.

 The Council on Publication Ethics of Bryansk State Technical University and the editorial board of Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University thank the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences against Research Falsification for the interest in improving the quality of scientific publications and the policy of scientific publications.

List of Retracted Papers



1. Drokonov A.M., Drokonov A.E. Development of steam turbine governing diaphragms. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, 2015, no. 2, pp. 26-31. – Retracted since 10.07.2019.

2. Rytov M.Yu., Leksikov E.V., Kovalev P.A. Fuzzy cognitive modeling application for carrying out of information safety audit of information portals of regional executive authorities. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, 2016, no. 2, pp. 167-174. - Retracted since 10.07.2019.

3. Syanov S.Yu. Theoretical determination for quality parameters of surface layer in parts, tool-electrode wear and process productivity in electroerosion machining. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, 2016, no. 1, pp. 67-73. - Retracted since 10.07.2019.

4. Dmitrievskiy E. Investigation of Influence of Geometrical and Adjusting Parameters on the Rotor Engine Power. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, 2015, no. 1, pp. 10-13. - Retracted since 15.10.2019.

5. Gorlenko O., Miroshnikov V., Borbats N. Quality management in design-technological preparation of engineering produce manufacturing based on complex FMEA-analysis. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, 2016, no. 1, pp. 178-187. - Retracted since 15.10.2019.

6.  Boldyrev D. Effect of modifier fractional composition upon its assimilation by cast iron melt taking into account dissolution process kinetics Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, 2016, no. 1, pp. 28-33. - Retracted since 15.10.2019.






The magazine is distributed by subscription, which for 2022 can be issued online catalog"Subscription press"
You can buy the magazine from the publisher.
Anna V. Morozova, head of scientific periodicals Department, Bryansk State Technical University;

phone: +7-919-202-70-07;


Publication of papers is free of charge.

Fedonin Oleg  — Chairman of the Editorial Board
Bryansk State Technical University (Rector, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Nagorkin Maksim  — Deputy of Chairman of the Editorial Board
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Technosphere Safety, Head of the Department, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Ageev Evgeniy  — Editorial Board member
Southwest State University (prof)
doctor of technical sciences
Kursk, Russian Federation
Agureev Igor  — Editorial Board member
Tula State University (Chief)
doctor of technical sciences
Tula, Russian Federation
Albagachiev Ali  — Editorial Board member
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Head of the department)
doctor of technical sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Antipin Dmitriy  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Railway Rolling Stock, Assistant Professor, Director of Educational-Scientific Institute of Com-munications)
candidate of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Ancev Vitaliy  — Editorial Board member
Tul'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences
Tula, Russian Federation
Bezyazychnyy Vyacheslav  — Editorial Board member
Soloviev Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy, Zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki i tehniki)
doctor of technical sciences
Rybinsk, Russian Federation
Bishutin Sergey  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Motor Transport, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Buyanovskiy Ilya  — Editorial Board member
Institut mashinovedeniya im. A.A. Blagonravova RAN (zaveduyuschiy laboratoriey)
doctor of technical sciences
Moskva, Russian Federation
Vayner Leonid  — Editorial Board member
Pacific National University; Far Eastern State Transport University (Dep. “Internal Combustion Engines”, Acting Head of the Department, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation
Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation
Volohov Grigoriy  — Editorial Board member
AO «VNIKTI» (Chief Scientific Expert of Rolling Stock and Infrastructure Dynamics and Strength)
doctor of technical sciences
Kolomna, Moscow, Russian Federation
Gorlenko Aleksandr Olegovich  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (prof.)
doctor of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Dorokhin Sergey  — Editorial Board member
Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov (Avtomobil'nyy fakul'tet, dekan)
doctor of technical sciences
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Ivahnenko Alexandr  — Editorial Board member
Southwest State University (Dep. “Standardization, metrology, Quality Control, Technology and Design”, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
Kirichek Andrey  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Professor, Pro-rector for Promising Development)
doctor of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 6506677389 ORCID:0000-0002-3823-0501 Web Of Science: D-3733-2013
Kosmodamianskiy Andrey  — Editorial Board member
Russian University of Transport (Dep, "Traction Rolling-Stock", Head of the Dep, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Kuc Vadim  — Editorial Board member
South-Western State University (Department of Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Equipment, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
Makarenko Konstantin  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Makarov Vladimir  — Editorial Board member
Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Department “Innovative Technologies of Mechanical Engineering”, Professor, Deputy-Head)
doctor of technical sciences
Perm, Perm, Russian Federation
Mokritskiy Boris  — Editorial Board member
Komsomolsk-upon-Amur State University (Associate Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Komsomol'sk-na-Amure, Russian Federation
Petreshin Dmitriy  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Educational-Scientific Technological Institute, Director)
doctor of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Podmaster'ev Konstantin  — Editorial Board member
Turgenev Orel State University (institut priborostroeniya, avtomatizacii i informacionnyh tehnologiy, direktor)
doctor of technical sciences
Orel, Russian Federation
Pugachev Aleksandr  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Turbine Engineering, Electrical and Thermal Power Engineering, Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Rassoha Vladimir  — Editorial Board member
Orenburg State University (Transport Faculty, Dean)
doctor of technical sciences
Ohrenburg, Orenburg, Russian Federation
Savin Leonid  — Editorial Board member
Turgenev Orel State University (Dep. “Mechatronics, Mechanics and Robotics”, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Orel, Orel, Russian Federation
Smolentsev Evgeny  — Editorial Board member
Voronezh State Technical University (department “Mechanical Engineering Technology”, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Soloviyov Dmitry  — Editorial Board member
Murom Institute of Vladimir State University (professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Murom, Russian Federation
Stepanov Yuriy  — Editorial Board member
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki i tehniki ,
Laureat premii Pravitel'stva
Orel, Russian Federation
Suslov Anatoliy  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Laureate of the Government Prize)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Laureat premii Pravitel'stva
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Trushnikov Dmitriy  — Editorial Board member
Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Dep. “Welding Production, Metrology and Material Technology”, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
Turichin Gleb  — Editorial Board member
State Marine Technical University (rektor)
doctor of technical sciences
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Kheyfets Mikhail  — Editorial Board member
State Scientific Institution “Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy and Sciences of Belarus” (Institute director)
doctor of technical sciences
Minsk, Belarus
Himuhin Sergey  — Editorial Board member
Institut materialovedeniya HNC DVO RAN (zav. laboratoriey)
doctor of technical sciences
Habarovsk, Russian Federation
Shalygin Mikhail  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Pipeline Transportation Systems, Professor, Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Shantarenko Sergey Georgievich  — Editorial Board member
Omsk State Transport University (Prorektor)
doctor of technical sciences
Omsk, Russian Federation
Yanyushkin Aleksandr  — Editorial Board member
Chuvashskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. I.N. Ul'yanova (prof)
doctor of technical sciences
Cheboksary, Russian Federation
Khandozhko Alexandr  — Chief Editor
Bryansk State Technical University (department “Metal Cutting Machines and Tools”, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Antipin Dmitriy  — Deputy chief editor
Bryansk State Technical University (Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Transport)
candidate of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Tatarincev Vyacheslav  — executive secretary
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Pipeline transport systems, Associate Professor)
candidate of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Erohina Valentina  — lead engineer
Bryansk State Technical University
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk State Technical University
Bryansk State Technical University
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ПИ № ФС77-75522

Editorial policy of Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University


Aims of the Journal:

• to inform the scientific community on the results of researches and consider the efficiency of new research methods; 

• to discuss current trends in the development of theoretical knowledge;

• to consider the ways of improving the efficiency of social and economic systems;

• to inform readers on the results of Russian and international scientific forums;

• to improve the proficiency of scientists, professionals of machine-building production and transport, and practitioners of engineering education;  

• to upgrade the quality of the journal content in accordance with the requirements of international standards and global citation indexes;

•  to improve the design and accessibility of the journal for authors and readers;

• to make published papers accessible and disseminated in the global scientific community;

• to provide sustainable distribution of the journal.


Editorial Policy of the Journal


The editorial policy of the journal is based on the fact that the founder, publisher, authors, editors, reviewers, members of the editorial board of the journal comply with the Copyright law of the Russian Federation, the Declaration of Publication Ethics of the Editorial Board, formulated in accordance with Sarajevo Declaration on Integrity and Visibility of Scholarly  Publications (2017) and the Declaration adopted by the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP, 2017), as well as with the principles of the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA, 2020) .

The content of publications can be freely used for personal purposes (article 1273 of Civil Code of the Russian Federation), for informational, scientific, educational and cultural purposes (article 1274 of Civil Code of the Russian Federation) in accordance with the requirements of Civil Code of the Russian Federation and in compliance with the rules of citation (GOST R 7.0.5-2008 System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of making).

Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University provides open access to its content on the websites of: Russian State Library (https://www.rsl.ru/), Scientific e-library (https://elibrary.ru/defaultx.asp), Scientific Publishing Center INFRA-M (https://naukaru.ru/ru/nauka/), electronic edition of the journal (https://bstu.editorum.ru/ru/nauka/journal/78/view), and online scientific library CyberLeninka (https://cyberleninka.ru) on the basis of the following principle: free open access to published research results contributes to advance of scientific knowledge into practice, expansion of communication of scientists and researchers, and the development of integration processes in the academic circles.

Data storage policy ensures selection, storage and free access to the archives of the journal and guarantees:

1. compliance of publication archiving with the requirements of Basic Rules of Working Corporate Archives (approved by the decision of Rosarchiv Board 06.02.2002);

2. acceptance and publication of papers according to the Declaration of Publication Ethics; 

3. providing  open access to the archives.  

The journal is distributed by subscription, applications of educational and scientific institutions, as well as individuals; it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the editor to distribute the journal by subscription or to buy it.

The editorial board does not accept manuscripts submitted for publication in other editions, as well as works with less than 80 % of the original text. In any of these cases after publishing the article, the editorial board will have to retract (withdraw) this publication. Data on paper retraction is given on the website of the journal, published in the issues of the journal and passed to the State Commission of Academic Degrees and Titles of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Committee on Publication Ethics of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers.

The editorial board carries out single-blind peer review of all materials submitted to the journal for giving objective expert assessment. All reviewers are recognized experts in the relevant branch of knowledge; both members of the editorial board of the journal and independent expert referees are involved in reviewing articles. Reviews are stored in the publishing house and editorial office for 5 years. Papers are examined and reviewed according to the order of their submitting to the editorial board of the journal and are published after its decision; changes in the order of reviewing and publishing papers are not provided. Papers should contain original, authentic, scientifically important and relevant information to be published in the journal. The editorial board is fully responsible for the decisions taken.

The editorial board does not provide any charges for services. Articles are accepted only from authors. Preparation, placement and printing of materials are free of charge. Accelerated date of publication of articles is not provided. The journal does not work with intermediaries.

Conference proceedings are not published in the journal. The editorial office does not deal with the arrangement of any conferences.


 of submission, reviewing and publication of papers in

Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University


  1. Scientific and technical papers reflecting the results of research, experimental and design developments, and other scientific and technical activities conducted by the author (s), which should correspond to the subject matters of the journal, are accepted for publication.
  2. Authors should provide original works containing reliable results of the scientific research done. When using text or graphic information borrowed from other papers, references to relevant publications are required. If the parts of the submitted manuscript have already been published, the authors should refer to the earlier paper, showing the difference between the new submission and the previous ones.
  3. Submission of a paper to more than one journal is unacceptable and is regarded as unethical behavior of the authors.
  4. For publication in the journal papers are submitted electronically:
  • the text of the paper signed by all authors (program database file (PDF)); all margins are 20mm;
  • the text of the paper (DOCX file; Word-2010 and newer);
  • expert opinion on the possibility of publishing the paper content in open access (PDF) – for working citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • written recommendation of the supervisor (for graduate students, master and bachelor degree students who submit a paper without co-authors) (PDF);
  • a package of figures and illustrations (TIFF, JPG files with 300 dpi at least).

After the paper is accepted for publication, the author/authors and the founder sign a License agreement.

The text of the paper should be carefully checked by the author.

  1. All reviewers are recognized experts in the field of the reviewed materials and have papers in the same scope published within the last 3 years. The members of the editorial board of the journal, who have knowledge and experience in the research area close to the topic of the author’s manuscript, are mainly involved as reviewers. Reviewers’ recommendations are the basis for the decision to publish the paper. Specialists working in the same institution as the author (authors) of the paper cannot be reviewers. The papers should be reviewed within 20 days of submission. If the review recommends paper revision or the paper is rejected, a copy of the review is sent to the author. Reviews of papers are kept in the editorial office for 5 years. When the editorial board receives a corresponding request, copies of the reviews are sent to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
  1. Files submitted to the editorial office should be named after the first author (for example, Ivanov_I.I.).
  1. The paper for this journal should be 6-10 pages of A4 format (automatic hyphenation mode), including graphs, figures, tables and references.
  2. The text of the paper should be 1- spaced (see the paper templet attached) and contain:
  • in the upper left corner - UDC (letter height is 12 pt);
  • title of the paper (uppercase letter height is 14 pt, bold, center alignment);
  • initials, surname of the author (authors) (if there are more than one author, then they are separated by commas, letter height is 12 pt; paragraph is 10mm; superscripts in Arabic numerals are for author affiliation and * sign is for the corresponding author);
  •  author affiliation should include the name of the institution of each author (without mentioning its legal entity form), full institutional address for each author (if authors have the same affiliation and institutional address, then it is given once), e-mail address for each author, and his Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID);
  • abstract of 150-250 words (letter height is 10 pt; paragraph is 10mm) should summarize
    • the goals,
    • the problem to which the paper is devoted.
    • methods, experimental and design developments,
    • new results and conclusions;
  • keywords (3 – 15 words; letter height is 10 pt; paragraph is 10mm);
  • optionally:

-  acknowledgments (… authors acknowledge … );

- data on research funding (… this paper is funded by …);

  • paper text (letter height is 12 pt; paragraph is 10mm) should either have the following parts: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, or be divided into Introduction, Part 1 (name), Part 2 (name), …, Results/Conclusion;
  • a reference list (letter height is 10 pt; the title is in uppercase letters); references include only those that are cited in the paper text; they are compiled in accordance with GOST 7.0.5 and are listed in the order of their citing in the paper text; references published in English-language publications are cited according to Vancouver Style;
  • optionally:

- a reference list which contains references according to the subject matter of the paper and they are not cited; they are listed alphabetically and compiled in accordance with GOST 7.0. 100; references published in English-language publications are cited according to Vancouver Style;

  •  information on the authors: academic degree, academic title, phone numbers, position, honorary titles, membership in scientific and professional communities, international IDs (optionally), Scopus-Author ID, Research- ID-Web of Science, Author-ID- RSCI (letter height is 10 pt);
  • data on the contribution of each author (letter height is 10 pt) – optionally;
  • data on the absence of conflict of interests (letter height is 10 pt);
  • optionally – appendix.
  1. The title of the paper should be informative, clearly reflect its content in a few words (mostly keywords). The abstract should make it possible to understand the main content of the paper, its relevance and whether the reader should refer to its full text or not (one of the ways to write an abstract is to give a brief summary of the paper structure, including goals, objectives, methods and results).
  2. The text of the paper should be well-structured. For example, it can contain the following parts:

- Introduction is to perform three main functions: problem statement, justification of its relevance and a review of the reference information that will allow the reader to understand the material presented without referring to additional sources. We recommend structuring these three functions in three paragraphs;

- Materials, models, experiments and methods is the section that briefly describes the research plan, the sequence of its stages and contains the justification for the author's choice of certain methods at each stage, since this section is devoted to the analysis of methodological tools used by the author, which allows the reader to assess the validity of the obtained research results;

- Results is the section that systematizes the statistical data collected as a result of the experiment, summarized in tables, diagrams, graphs, etc.; it, as a rule, does not contain the author's interpretation and contextual analysis, but contains only objective results presented in the best form for perception.

It is allowed to divide the text of the paper into headings and subheadings according to the subject matter of the paper.

  1. Formulas, letters (uppercase and lowercase, Latin and Greek alphabets), numbers, and other characters should be readable. All Latin letters are typed in italics, all Russian and Greek – upright. Formulas should be in 12 points Microsoft Equation 3.0 (Word-2010 and newer).

12. Figures, graphs, charts, diagrams, tables and other graphics should be embedded to the text (after their mentioning) and should have legends (letter height is 10 pt, center alignment), and tables should have headings. Figures can be inserted in the text with runaround. Lettering in figures should be 10 points in Times, upright, starting with a capital letter. Formulas should be in a word processor compatible with MS Word 2010 and newer. Captions under figures (always) and letterings in figures (as a rule) are given in Russian and English.

13. Reference list should be in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of making and contain at least 10 references not earlier than the year 1980 and mainly presented in Higher Attestation Commission publications and in the international databases Scopus and/or Web of Science.

    1. All measurements should be in SI units.
    2. The editorial board evaluates the submitted documents in terms of their completeness (in accordance with paragraph 4), screens the text of the paper for unoriginal material using "Antiplagiat" system and reviews the papers in terms of relevance, scientific novelty, quality, compliance with the main scientific and technical fields of the journal. The level of unformulated borrowings of the paper text (including the reference list) should not exceed 12%.
    3. If the paper is returned for revision by the editorial board recommendation (up to 7 working days), the journal indicates the date of receiving the corrected text.
    4. Authors of papers are not paid a fee; papers are published free of charge.
    5. The papers that do not correspond to the subject matter of the journal and those not meeting its requirements, as well as submitted not in full completeness, will not be accepted. Papers that do not meet the criterion of originality according to paragraph 15, and/or have received two negative reviews are not published. Manuscripts are not returned to their authors. The editorial board is not obliged to review all incoming materials and does not discuss rejected manuscripts with the authors.


Guidelines for the preparation and execution of scientific articles in journals indexed in international scientometric databases

Article template

Examples of the bibliographic list

Source List Design Examples

GOST P 7.0.100-2018

Guidelines for authors

The model author's contract

Evidence Journal Bulletin BSTU

Testimony ISSN Journal Bulletin BSTU

The order of publication of articles

Instructions for finding the author's ID in the RSCI

Instructions for finding the author ID in Scopus

Instructions for finding the author ID in the WoS

Instructions for registering the author with ORCID

Citation Guide Using Vankouver Stile

Scientific publication in IMRAD format - article

GOST P 7.0.7-2021

GOST P 7.0.5-2008 - Bibliographic Reference



The editorial board of Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University adheres its activities to the Russian Federation law of 27.12.1991 № 2121-1 (updated of 03.07.2016) "On Mass Media", the Regulation of 14.09.2015 "On the journal Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University ", as well as the recommendations and standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors,http://publicationethics.org/).

The editorial board of the journal does its best to comply with ethical standards adopted by the international scientific community, studies and takes into account the valuable experience of reliable international journals and publishers.

The Declaration of Publication Ethics contains the general principles and rules of relationship of participants involved in scientific publications (authors, reviewers, editors, publisher).


Manuscript Assessment

The papers submitted to the journal should contain the scientific research results obtained by the authors, which have not been published anywhere before.

Reviewing papers submitted to the editorial office of Bulletin of BSTU is aimed at ensuring the high quality of scientific papers published in the journal. All papers submitted to the editorial office for publication are reviewed.

The scientific paper undergoes peer-review twice: internal peer-review is carried out by the experts of Bulletin of BSTU editorial board; external peer-review is done by experts who evaluate the level and clarity of presentation of the submitted material, whether it fits to the journal’s aim and scope, if your work is new and original as well as the conclusions are reliable. Reviewers' recommendations are the basis for the decision to publish the paper. The paper can be rejected both at the stages of internal and external peer-review.

The editorial board is fully responsible for the decision to publish the paper.

The editorial board of the journal makes its decision on publication, adhering to the editorial policy of the journal, taking into account current copyright laws, evaluating manuscripts according to their scientific content. In case of a positive decision of the reviewers and the editorial board, the paper is published in the next issue of the journal; authors hold copyright.

In case of rejection to publish, the author is given feedback with reasoned decision. The manuscript of the rejected paper is kept in the editorial office for at least 1 year. The paper review is sent to the author without the name of the reviewer but indicating the period during which the author can give his answer to the review. In case of giving sound explanation by the author, a second peer-review is carried out, and the decision to publish the paper is made again.


The editor and editorial staff are not entitled to:

• to disclose information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding authors, reviewers, other editorial advisers and, if required, the publisher;

• to use unpublished materials of the submitted manuscript without the author’s permission.


Conflict of Interest

In case of any conflict of interest based on competitiveness, cooperation or other kinds of relations with one of the authors, companies or institutions associated with the submitted manuscripts, the editor sends the manuscript for reviewing to another member of the editorial board.

In case of complains on violation of publishing ethics concerning the submitted manuscript or published article, the editor together with the publisher should take adequate measures. Every report of unethical conduct should be considered, even if it comes years after the publication of the article. If the complaint is supported by the editorial board of the journal, appropriate corrections, denials or apologies should be published.


Review Storage and Provision

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, reviews of scientific papers are stored in the journal office for at least 5 years and can be provided to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request. If the paper is rejected, the authors are sent a review of the paper containing the reasons for the rejection to be published in Bulletin of BSTU.



Contribution to Editorial Decisions

The reviewer evaluation contributes to making editorial decisions, as well as to improving the quality of the published article through the cooperation of the editor and the author.

When discussing the author's response to the review, the reviewer has the right to participate in the debate.


Rapid Decision Making

The reviewer should inform the editor and excuse himself from the review process if he feels unqualified to review the research presented in the paper, or he knows that he cannot meet the deadline.



Any manuscript submitted for review should be treated as a confidential document. It is not acceptable to show it to other reviewers or discuss it with other experts without the permission of the editor-in-chief.


Standards of Objectivity

Reviewers should express their opinion clearly and reasonably: reviews of scientific works should be objective and do not contain personal criticism of the author.

Authentication of References

Reviewers should:

• analyze the sources used by the author of the paper, as well as the quality of bibliographic references of the citations used in the paper;

• identify published materials in a peer-reviewed manuscript that are cited but not bibliographically referred by the author;

• draw the editor's attention to significant or partial similarities with another paper which is familiar to the reviewer.


Information Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Confidential data or ideas, which the reviewer learns during the review, should remain confidential and should not be used for personal gain or transferred to third parties. Reviewers should not be involved in the review and evaluation of manuscripts in which the reviewers are personally interested. Unpublished manuscript should not be used by the reviewer in his own research without the written permission of the author.



Reporting Standards

Authors should provide reliable results; objectively assess the significance of their research. The data of the research should be clearly presented in the paper, containing sufficient information so that others could replicate the experiments of the authors.

Before the paper is submitted to the editorial office for consideration, authors should obtain a written permission (expert report) of the organization to which they are affiliated for using the paper content.

Authors can give information about the funding of the research, which results it describes.


Data Access and Storage

Authors may be asked to provide initial data for editorial review. They should be ready to provide open access to such data if required within a reasonable period of time after publication.


Originality and Plagiarism

Authors should submit only original papers. When using text or graphic information of third parties or from their own but already published papers, references to relevant publications or written permission of the author are required. While reviewing the submitted papers, the editorial board screens them for unoriginal material.



Duplicate[1], redundant[2] and competitive[3] publications

Authors should indicate in the abstract that their paper is published for the first time. If the parts of the manuscript have been previously published in another paper, authors are encouraged to refer to the prior paper and show the significant difference between the new submission and the previous paper. Verbatim copying of own works and their paraphrasing are unacceptable; they can be used only as a basis for new conclusions.

Submitting an article to more than one journal is considered unethical and unacceptable.


Authentication of References

Authors should acknowledge the contribution of other persons who have influenced the study. Bibliographic references to the works used are considered necessary. Information received from third parties privately should not be used in the manuscript without their written permission.



The list of authors is limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the research, the progress and results of which are described in the paper. All those who have contributed substantially should be listed as co-authors. The article may contain information about the participants of the research project. The corresponding author should ensure that the names of all co-authors and participants of the project are listed, and that all co-authors have given their permission to its publication, having read and approved the final manuscript before the submission.


Quality of Submitted Manuscript

The paper should be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the journal editorial board. The authors should contact the editorial board to deviate from these requirements. The information provided about the authors should be reliable. In case of any changes in the information, the authors should notify the editor.


Glaring Errors in Published Papers

If the author finds a glaring error or inaccuracy in his published article, he should immediately inform the editor or publisher of the journal and assist them in eliminating or correcting the error.

If the editor or publisher learns from a third party or from the publications of other authors that the paper published in the journal contains glaring errors, the author should immediately eliminate or correct them, or prove the correctness of the original article to the editorial board. If the fact that the published article has glaring errors is confirmed, the editorial office should publish information on it.




Doctor of Engineering, Professor            A.V. Kirichek



[1] The material which is with no changes submitted to more than one journal simultaneously.  

[2] The material which is published several times in different journals and in various formats and styles so that it looks as not the same.

[3] Publications in which authors come to different (competitive) conclusions on the basis of the same experimental data. 

Board for Ethics of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers


Order of Publishing Papers

1. Including a set of documents for publication from the author into the editorial database. The author can send these documents by e-mail or to the electronic edition of the journal (on the website).

2. Checking whether the materials submitted by the authors for paper publication are complete.

3.  Screening manuscripts for unoriginal material using "Antiplagiat" system. The maximum permissible level of references cited is 30%of the whole text.

4. Peer reviewing of the paper by the members of the editorial board or by third-party expert referees.

5. Technical and editorial support of the paper reviewing.

 6. Informing the authors about the need to revise the material of the paper (if there is a reviewer’s comment) or about the rejection to publish the paper in the journal (by e-mail).

7. Checking of the revisions made by the authors based on the reviewer’s comments (if any).

8. Scientific and literary editing of the electronic versions of papers, providing authors with the necessary assistance to improve the structure of the paper, the choice of terms, illustrations, adjusting the reference list in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of making».

9. Checking in the original sources the correctness of cited quotations and digital data, using and spelling of names and technical terms, measurement units, compliance of characters with their designations, standards or adopted in the scientific literature norms.

10. Approval of the paper text after editing by e-mail.

11. Translation of the paper title, authors' names, abstract, keywords, information about the authors and references into English.

12. Preparation of the electronic version of the license agreement between the editorial board and the authors concerning the processing of authors’ personal data, the metadata of published paper to assign ID DOI (Digital Object Identifier) in order to provide Internet users with further opportunity to search, view and use the paper for informational, scientific and educational purposes (for papers advised by reviewers for publication).

13. Making a print license agreement between the editorial board and the authors and sending it by mail.

14. Correspondence with the authors of the paper (registration of the license agreement with the authors).

15. Registration of the paper authors and its metadata, sending it to CrossRef, and assignment of DOI to the scientific publication. Putting information on DOI into the print article.

16. Making up an electronic layout of the papers and the journal.

17. Make up proof of the journal layout before sending it in print.

18. Getting an approval of the editor-in-chief for the journal layout.

19. Circulating the journal and posting it on the website.

20. Posting the journal in scientific electronic library E-library.ru.

21. Posting the journal on the website of the Russian Book Chamber and the Russian State Library. A mandatory electronic copy of the publication.

22. Distribution of the journal to subscribers, customers and mandatory print copies to the Russian Book Chamber.


Advertising space type

Price (including VAT), rub./issue


Cover, 2nd and 4th page (advert size 280×185 mm)

10 000


Cover, 3rd page (advert size 280×185 mm)

8 000


Black-and-white, inside the journal (advert size      165×240 mm)

4 000


Black-and-white inside the journal (advert size 165×120 mm)

3 000


Black-and-white, inside the journal (advert size 165×60 mm)

2 000


Advert making

5 000 Rubles/advert



Advertising space type

Price (including VAT), rub./month


Banner on all websites of 180×180 pixels on the left page of the website. The banner is dynamic

4 000


Banner on all websites of 160×160 pixels on the right page of the website. The banner is dynamic

3 000


Banner interchange of 100×100 pixels with overlapping concern

1 000


Advert making

5 000 Rubles/Module

The journal publishes only noncommercial advertising: information on scientific developments, the work of research firms and departments of industrial enterprises and universities, arrangement and holding scientific events, etc.


Morozova Anna Valentinovna

Head of the Office of BSTU Scientific Periodicals;

Phone  : +7-919-202-70-07;




Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University has an external funding model, i.e. the preparation and publication of the journal is carried out at the expense of the founder and sponsors, funds derived from advertising, subscription and customers (individuals and legal entities) who buy journal issues.

Paper publication in the journal is free of charge.

The money received from external financing sources is spent on the following types of work:

  • editing and proofreading of incoming papers;
  • translation of paper fragments;
  •  prepress (electronic editing and correction of formulas and figures, making quality drawings in graphics editors, making up of articles, layout of the journal and its cover, loading paper data in the information system and assignment of a DOI for each paper of the journal);
  •  consumables for journal circulating;
  • payment for DOI registration of the journal and each article;
  • inclusion in the catalogue "Rospechat»;
  • payment for the electronic edition and website of the journal;
  • payment for connecting the journal to the international system of citation CrossRef ;
  • payment for postal services for the distribution of journal issues;
  • payment for the editorial staff work.



Taking into account that the main purpose of retractions is to amend published information and ensure its integrity, but not to punish the authors who have committed violations, despite the fact that the analyzed citations from previously published material were used by the authors mainly from their own articles, the Council on Publication Ethics of Bryansk State Technical University, the founder of Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, made the decision on the retraction of several articles.

Information about retractions of scientific papers is published in Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University and passed to electronic libraries, Association of Science Editors and Publishers, website Disseropediya and in other information sources.

 The Council on Publication Ethics of Bryansk State Technical University and the editorial board of Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University thank the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences against Research Falsification for the interest in improving the quality of scientific publications and the policy of scientific publications.

List of Retracted Papers



1. Drokonov A.M., Drokonov A.E. Development of steam turbine governing diaphragms. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, 2015, no. 2, pp. 26-31. – Retracted since 10.07.2019.

2. Rytov M.Yu., Leksikov E.V., Kovalev P.A. Fuzzy cognitive modeling application for carrying out of information safety audit of information portals of regional executive authorities. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, 2016, no. 2, pp. 167-174. - Retracted since 10.07.2019.

3. Syanov S.Yu. Theoretical determination for quality parameters of surface layer in parts, tool-electrode wear and process productivity in electroerosion machining. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, 2016, no. 1, pp. 67-73. - Retracted since 10.07.2019.

4. Dmitrievskiy E. Investigation of Influence of Geometrical and Adjusting Parameters on the Rotor Engine Power. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, 2015, no. 1, pp. 10-13. - Retracted since 15.10.2019.

5. Gorlenko O., Miroshnikov V., Borbats N. Quality management in design-technological preparation of engineering produce manufacturing based on complex FMEA-analysis. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, 2016, no. 1, pp. 178-187. - Retracted since 15.10.2019.

6.  Boldyrev D. Effect of modifier fractional composition upon its assimilation by cast iron melt taking into account dissolution process kinetics Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University, 2016, no. 1, pp. 28-33. - Retracted since 15.10.2019.






Publication of papers is free of charge.

The magazine is distributed by subscription, which for 2022 can be issued online catalog"Subscription press"
You can buy the magazine from the publisher.
Anna V. Morozova, head of scientific periodicals Department, Bryansk State Technical University;

phone: +7-919-202-70-07;


Periodicity of journal publication is every month – up to 100 pages.

                        Bobyr Maksim
Bobyr Maksim Yugo-Zapadnyy gosudarstvennyy universitet (kafedra "Vychislitel'noy tehniki", professor)


                        Bogomolov Stanislav
Bogomolov Stanislav Bryanskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet (magistrant)

                        Bodryshev Valeriy
Bodryshev Valeriy Moskovskiy aviacionnyy institut (kafedra "Inzhenernaya grafika", docent)
candidate of technical sciences


                        Boyko Anatoliy Fedorovich
Boyko Anatoliy Fedorovich Belgorodskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnologicheskiy universitet im. V.G. Shuhova (professor)

                        Boyko Nadezhda
Boyko Nadezhda Bryansk State Technical University (kafedra «Ekonomika i menedzhment», docent)
candidate of economic sciences

                        Boldyrev Aleksey
Boldyrev Aleksey Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Railway Rolling Stock, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences


                        Bolotov Sergey
Bolotov Sergey Belorussian-Russian University (electrical engineering faculty, dean)
employee from 01.01.2013 until now
candidate of technical sciences from 01.01.2004 until now ,
doctoral candidate of technical sciences from 01.01.2016 until now


                        Bolotova Evgeniya
Bolotova Evgeniya Belorussian-Russian University (the Center for Certification and Testing, Engineer)

                        Bondarenko Denis
Bondarenko Denis Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Railway Rolling Stock, Associate Professor)
candidate of technical sciences


                        Bondarenko Ol'ga
Bondarenko Ol'ga Bryansk State Technical University (the Department "Rolling stock of Railways", engineer)

                        Borbac' Nikolay
Borbac' Nikolay Bryanskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet (kafedra Upravlenie kachestvom, standartizaciya i metrologiya, docent)
candidate of technical sciences

                        Borisova Kseniya
Borisova Kseniya Samara State Technical University (Dep. “Engineering Technique, Machine-Tools and Tools”, Master degree student)

Fedonin Oleg  — Chairman of the Editorial Board
Bryansk State Technical University (Rector, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Nagorkin Maksim  — Deputy of Chairman of the Editorial Board
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Technosphere Safety, Head of the Department, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Ageev Evgeniy  — Editorial Board member
Southwest State University (prof)
doctor of technical sciences

Kursk, Russian Federation
Agureev Igor  — Editorial Board member
Tula State University (Chief)
doctor of technical sciences

Tula, Russian Federation
Albagachiev Ali  — Editorial Board member
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Head of the department)
doctor of technical sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Antipin Dmitriy  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Railway Rolling Stock, Assistant Professor, Director of Educational-Scientific Institute of Com-munications)
candidate of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Ancev Vitaliy  — Editorial Board member
Tul'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences

Tula, Russian Federation
Bezyazychnyy Vyacheslav  — Editorial Board member
Soloviev Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University (zaveduyuschiy kafedroy, Zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki i tehniki)
doctor of technical sciences

Rybinsk, Russian Federation
Bishutin Sergey  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Motor Transport, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Buyanovskiy Ilya  — Editorial Board member
Institut mashinovedeniya im. A.A. Blagonravova RAN (zaveduyuschiy laboratoriey)
doctor of technical sciences

Moskva, Russian Federation
Vayner Leonid  — Editorial Board member
Pacific National University; Far Eastern State Transport University (Dep. “Internal Combustion Engines”, Acting Head of the Department, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation
Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation
Volohov Grigoriy  — Editorial Board member
AO «VNIKTI» (Chief Scientific Expert of Rolling Stock and Infrastructure Dynamics and Strength)
doctor of technical sciences

Kolomna, Moscow, Russian Federation
Gorlenko Aleksandr Olegovich  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (prof.)
doctor of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Dorokhin Sergey  — Editorial Board member
Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov (Avtomobil'nyy fakul'tet, dekan)
doctor of technical sciences

Voronezh, Russian Federation
Ivahnenko Alexandr  — Editorial Board member
Southwest State University (Dep. “Standardization, metrology, Quality Control, Technology and Design”, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
Kirichek Andrey  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Professor, Pro-rector for Promising Development)
doctor of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
SCOPUS: 6506677389 ORCID:0000-0002-3823-0501 Web Of Science: D-3733-2013
Kosmodamianskiy Andrey  — Editorial Board member
Russian University of Transport (Dep, "Traction Rolling-Stock", Head of the Dep, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Kuc Vadim  — Editorial Board member
South-Western State University (Department of Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Equipment, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
Makarenko Konstantin  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Makarov Vladimir  — Editorial Board member
Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Department “Innovative Technologies of Mechanical Engineering”, Professor, Deputy-Head)
doctor of technical sciences

Perm, Perm, Russian Federation
Mokritskiy Boris  — Editorial Board member
Komsomolsk-upon-Amur State University (Associate Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Komsomol'sk-na-Amure, Russian Federation
Petreshin Dmitriy  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Educational-Scientific Technological Institute, Director)
doctor of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Podmaster'ev Konstantin  — Editorial Board member
Turgenev Orel State University (institut priborostroeniya, avtomatizacii i informacionnyh tehnologiy, direktor)
doctor of technical sciences

Orel, Russian Federation
Pugachev Aleksandr  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Turbine Engineering, Electrical and Thermal Power Engineering, Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Rassoha Vladimir  — Editorial Board member
Orenburg State University (Transport Faculty, Dean)
doctor of technical sciences

Ohrenburg, Orenburg, Russian Federation
Savin Leonid  — Editorial Board member
Turgenev Orel State University (Dep. “Mechatronics, Mechanics and Robotics”, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Orel, Orel, Russian Federation
Smolentsev Evgeny  — Editorial Board member
Voronezh State Technical University (department “Mechanical Engineering Technology”, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Soloviyov Dmitry  — Editorial Board member
Murom Institute of Vladimir State University (professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Murom, Russian Federation
Stepanov Yuriy  — Editorial Board member
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki i tehniki Laureat premii Pravitel'stva
Orel, Russian Federation
Suslov Anatoliy  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Laureate of the Government Prize)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Laureat premii Pravitel'stva
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Trushnikov Dmitriy  — Editorial Board member
Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Dep. “Welding Production, Metrology and Material Technology”, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
Turichin Gleb  — Editorial Board member
State Marine Technical University (rektor)
doctor of technical sciences

Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Kheyfets Mikhail  — Editorial Board member
State Scientific Institution “Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy and Sciences of Belarus” (Institute director)
doctor of technical sciences

Minsk, Belarus
Himuhin Sergey  — Editorial Board member
Institut materialovedeniya HNC DVO RAN (zav. laboratoriey)
doctor of technical sciences

Habarovsk, Russian Federation
Shalygin Mikhail  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Pipeline Transportation Systems, Professor, Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Shantarenko Sergey Georgievich  — Editorial Board member
Omsk State Transport University (Prorektor)
doctor of technical sciences

Omsk, Russian Federation
Yanyushkin Aleksandr  — Editorial Board member
Chuvashskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. I.N. Ul'yanova (prof)
doctor of technical sciences

Cheboksary, Russian Federation
Khandozhko Alexandr  — Chief Editor
Bryansk State Technical University (department “Metal Cutting Machines and Tools”, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Antipin Dmitriy  — Deputy chief editor
Bryansk State Technical University (Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Transport)
candidate of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Tatarincev Vyacheslav  — executive secretary
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Pipeline transport systems, Associate Professor)
candidate of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Erohina Valentina  — lead engineer
Bryansk State Technical University

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation


Code 20.01
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Name Организация информационной деятельности
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Code 20.19
Name Аналитико-синтетическая переработка документальных источников информации
Code 55.01
Name Общие вопросы машиностроения
Code 55.03
Name Машиноведение и детали машин
Code 55.13
Name Технология машиностроения
Code 55.15
Name Литейное производство
Code 55.16
Name Кузнечно-штамповочное производство
Code 55.18
Name Сборочное производство
Code 55.19
Name Резание материалов
Code 55.20
Name Электрофизикохимическая обработка
Code 55.21
Name Термическая и упрочняющая обработка
Code 55.22
Name Отделка поверхностей и нанесение покрытий
Code 55.23
Name Производство изделий из порошковых материалов
Code 55.24
Name Производство неметаллических изделий
Code 55.29
Name Станкостроение
Code 55.30
Name Робототехника
Code 55.31
Name Инструментальное производство
Code 55.33
Name Горное машиностроение
Code 55.35
Name Металлургическое машиностроение
Code 55.37
Name Турбостроение
Code 55.41
Name Локомотивостроение и вагоностроение
Code 55.42
Name Двигателестроение
Code 55.43
Name Автомобилестроение
Code 55.45
Name Судостроение
Code 55.47
Name Авиастроение
Code 55.51
Name Подъемно-транспортное машиностроение
Code 55.53
Name Строительное и дорожное машиностроение
Code 55.55
Name Коммунальное машиностроение
Code 55.57
Name Тракторное и сельскохозяйственное машиностроение
Code 55.69
Name Прочие отрасли машиностроения
Code 73.01
Name Общие вопросы транспорта
Code 73.29
Name Железнодорожный транспорт
Code 73.31
Name Автомобильный транспорт
Code 73.39
Name Трубопроводный транспорт
Code 73.41
Name Промышленный транспорт


 of the journal

 Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University




Aleksander Vladimirovich Khandozhko is Doctor of Engineering (2002), Associate Professor (1993), Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Metal-cutting Machines and Tools at Bryansk State Technical University (BSTU).

He was born in Chelyabinsk in 1958. In 1980 he graduated from Bryansk Institute of Transport Engineering (BITE) (now - Bryansk State Technical University, BSTU) with a degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology, Metal-cutting Machines and Tools. From 1980 to 1983, he worked as a manufacturing engineer at an industrial enterprise.

From 1983 until now he has been working at Bryansk State Technical University, having started his career at the university as a training master. In 1985 he entered the full-time postgraduate course in BITE. In 1989 he defended the thesis for the degree of Candidate of Science in the Dissertation Council of Moscow State Aviation Technological Institute (MSATI) on the specialty Heat Engines of Aircrafts. After defending his thesis, he worked as an assistant and then as an associate professor of the department of Metal-cutting Machines and Tools at BITE. In 2000 he entered the post-doctoral program and in 2002 he defended his doctoral thesis on the specialty of Technology and Equipment of Mechanical and Physical-technical Processing. After defending his thesis, he worked as a professor of the department until 2009.

In 2009 he was appointed the head of the department of Metal-cutting Machines and Tools at Bryansk State Technical University. In 2016 when the laboratory of wave deformation and combined hardening in additive and subtractive technologies was founded at BSTU, he became the head of the department of modular technological equipment, continuing his teaching work as a professor of the department of Metal-cutting Machines and Tools.

Khandozhko A.V. is a member of the editorial board of the journal Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering (Bryansk).

Since 2002 he has been a member of dissertation councils of several universities; currently he is a member of three dissertation councils D999. 155. 03, D999.112.02 and D212.021.03 aa well as being the Deputy Chairman of Dissertation Council D999.155.03.


Topics of scientific research

1. Fundamental theoretical and applied issues of designing cutting tools.

2. Theory and practice of designing and manufacturing process equipment, including for additive-subtractive processes.

3. Issues of mechanical processing of materials.

4. Problems of providing product quality in mechanical processing and additive processes.


The mission of the journal is to advance scientific communication in the field of technical knowledge by publishing the results of modern achievements in engineering industries, transport, computer science, and management in social and economic systems, as well as applied research necessary in the activities of transport engineering professionals.

Bryansk State Technical University got its own DOI in February, 2018, and now it is registered as a separate publisher by the agency Crossref (Bryansk State Technical University).

Journal articles are licensed under the CC BY 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Website of the journal: https://www.tu-bryansk.ru/info/zhurnaly

Archives up to 2019: http://vestnik.tu-bryansk.ru/

Postal address: 7, Blvd 50-letiya Oktyabrya, Bryansk, 241035, Russian Federation.

Tel.: (4832)-58-82-77.

E-mail: vestnik@tu-bryansk.ru

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