Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article describes a simulation model of a road section in the city of Kazan, created using the AnyLogic simulation modeling system. The process of creating a simulation model, optimization by AnyLogic SIM tools is described, a mathematical model of the flow of cars is constructed based on the results of a simulation experiment using the STATISTICA 10 software package.

simulation modeling, traffic, AnyLogic
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1. Oficial'nyj sajt STATISTICA [Elektronnyj resurs] - URL: https://statsoft.ru (data obrashcheniya: 06.10.2021).

2. Oficial'nyj sajt AnyLogic [Elektronnyj resurs] - URL: https://www.anylogic.com (data obrashcheniya: 06.10.2021).

3. Boev V.D. Komp'yuternoe modelirovanie: Posobie dlya prakticheskih zanyatij, kursovogo i diplomnogo proektirovaniya v AnyLogic7 / V.D. Boev. - SPb.: VAS, 2014. - 432 s.

4. Optimizacionnyj eksperiment [Elektronnyj resurs] - URL: https://help.anylogic.ru/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.anylogic.help%2Fhtml%2Fexperiments%2Foptimization-experiment.html.

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