Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
GRNTI 45.29 Электрические машины
BBK 302 Проектирование
The problems of modeling in the Matlab environment the modes of the MHD-stirring of aluminum melt in furnaces, taking into account the distribution network. It is noted that the operation of frequency inverters of the power supply system sharply complicates the electromagnetic environment in a network of limited power. It is proposed to apply a complex of models to assess the possibility of reducing the distortion of the network currents by modifying the rectifier control algorithms, while maintaining the stability of the DC bus of the frequency converter.
IGBT inverter, induction machine, thyristor rectifier, DC bus, distribution network, harmonics, electromagnetic compatibility
1. Kinev E. S., Tyapin A. A., Panteleev V. I., Litovchenko A. V., Efimov S. N. and Molokov V. V. Energy and thrust characteristics of MHD inductors for stirring liquid aluminum. Camstech_2021, AIP - Conference Series. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations. 2021.
2. Tyapin A. A., Kinev E. S. Invertornoe elektropitanie metallurgicheskih linejnyh indukcionnyh MGD-mashin. V knige: Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya elektroenergetiki i elektrotekhniki: Materialy II Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 18-19 marta 2020. Kazan': Kazanskij gosudarstvennyj energeticheskij universitet, 2020. - T. 2. - s. 135-143.
3. Tyapin A. A., Kinev E. S. Sistema elektropitaniya MGD-peremeshivatelej rasplava alyuminiya s IGBT-invertorami // SAPR i modelirovanie v sovremennoj elektronike: cb. nauch. tr. IV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. - Bryansk: BGTU, 2020. - S. 190-195. DOI:
4. Tyapin A. A., Kinev E. S. Fundamentals of PWM Inverter Control Strategy of Linear Metallurgical MHD Machine. The scientific heritage. Budapest, 2020. No 51-1, Vol. 1. pp. 63-67. ISSN 9215-0365.
5. Tyapin A. A., Kinev E. S. Vybor skhemy invertora dlya linejnoj metallurgicheskoj MGD-mashiny. Elektrooborudovanie: ekspluataciya i remont. № 3, 2020. s. 23-29. ISSN: 2074-9635.
6. Tyapin A. A., Kinev E. S. Postanovka zadachi analiza elektromagnitnoj sovmestimosti MGD-peremeshivatelej rasplava alyuminiya. Elektrooborudovanie: ekspluataciya i remont. № 8, 2021. s. 41-49. ISSN: 2074-9635.
7. Shaffer R. Fundamentals of Power Electronics with MATLAB. Charles River Media, Boston, Massachusetts. USA, 2007, 401 p. ISBN: 1-58450-852-3.
8. Tyapin Aleksey, Panteleev Vasiliy and Kinev Evgeny. Mathematical models of non-sinusoidal power supply of a three-phase transverse field MHD inductor. E3S Web of Conferences. International scientific forum on computer and energy Sciences (WFCES 2021) May 20-21. Volume 270. Almaty, Kazakhstan, A.D. Nazarov (Ed.) p.13.
9. Tyapin A. A., Kinev E. S. IGBT-invertor s bipolyarnoj sinusoidal'noj SHIM dlya dvuhfaznoj linejnoj MGD-mashiny // SAPR i modelirovanie v sovremennoj elektronike: cb. nauch. tr. III Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. - Bryansk: BGTU, 2019. - S. 96-102. DOI: _5e028210dbc298.14572422.
10. Tyapin A. A., Kinev E. S. Dvuhfaznaya linejnaya indukcionnaya MGD-mashina trekhzonnoj konstrukcii. Elektrooborudovanie: ekspluataciya i remont. № 7, 2019. s. 38-48. ISSN: 2074-9635.
11. Williams B. W. Principles and Elements of Power Electronics. Devices, Drivers, Applications and Passive Components. Glasgow. United Kingdom, 2006, 1432 p. ISBN: 978-0-9553384-0-3.
12. The Industrial Electronics Handbook. Power electronics and motor drives. B. M. Wilamowski and J. D. Irwin edition. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC. Boca Raton, London, New York. USA, 2011, 974 p.