GRNTI 47.61 Приборы для радиотехнических измерений
GRNTI 47.63 Системы и устройства отображения информации
BBK 302 Проектирование
The features of modern control systems are: the multifunctional nature of production; the multi-connectivity of processes and tasks of automated systems; the need to ensure interaction with systems of different levels and the same level, etc. The article discusses the methodology of evaluation and selection of components of automated systems.
automated system, automated object, economic and mathematical methods and models, information and computing services, expert system, bank of algorithms and procedures, knowledge bank
1. S.S. Gulyamov, B.Y. Khodiev, A.A. Musaliev, B.A. Begalov. Information systems management: - Tashkent, TSEU. 2007 - 333 p .
2. Okhunov D.M. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of marketing automated information systems. - Tashkent, Fan, 2020- 208 p.