GRNTI 45.51 Светотехника
BBK 302 Проектирование
The article describes the development of an industrial LED lamp DPP-139. The main stages of design are presented. To create a 3D model, the KOMPAS-3d program was used.
KOMPAS-3d, lighting device, industrial lighting, climatic design
1. GOST 14254-96 (MEK 529-88). Stepeni zashchity, obespechivaemye obolochkami (kod IP). - Vzamen GOST 14254-80; vved. - 1997-01-01.M.: IPK Izd-vo standartov, 2011. - 32 s.
2. GOST 17677-82. Svetil'niki. Obshchie tekhnicheskie usloviya. - Vveden vpervye; vved. - 1983-01-01. M.: IPK Izd-vo standartov, 2011. - 65 s.
3. GOST R 55706-2013. Osveshchenie naruzhnoe utilitarnoe. Klassifikaciya i normy. - Vved. 2014-07-01. - M.: Standartinform, 2014. - 12 s.: il.
4. Svetodiod Cree XLapm XM-L2 - [Elektronnyj resurs]. -