Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A comparative description of the most popular and professional 3D modeling packages using the finite element method in solving problems is given. The choice of using the SolidWorks Simulation package at this stage of research is justified. Its main advantages are given. A 3D model of a real functioning asynchronous motor has been designed and modified to perform linear displacement operations. A static analysis of the strength of an asynchronous motor with linear displacement of the actuator using the plug-in module SolidWorks Simulation was performed. A direct analysis of the obtained result of the stress-strain state of the engine is carried out. Conclusions are drawn about its suitability to work with axial loads. The main directions of subsequent research of asynchronous motors with a short-circuited rotor under axial loads are determined.

stress-strain state, SolidWorks Simulation, static analysis, stresses
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