Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the torque method, according to the principles of which it is possible to determine the loads arising in the thin-walled shell of the hulls of orbital vehicles from the action of the internal pressure uniformly distributed over the area, normally oriented to the middle surface of the shell. In this case, the load on the shell consists of normal forces (longitudinal and circumferential), a transverse force that causes radial displacements in the shell, and a bending moment in the longitudinal plane of the object. The specified bending moment can occur during the manifestation of inertial forces (for example, the Coriolis force) during the transition of the orbital vehicle in height from one orbit to another in vertical directions normal to the orbit (rotational movements); the same rotary movements can cause inertial forces to appear when maneuvering spacecraft and rocket units at the same height (in conventionally horizontal directions). To determine the above loads and radial displacements of the shell, a mathematical algorithm is proposed based on the principles of the moment calculation method according to the scheme of an infinitely long shell, which is typical for orbital vehicle housings.

contact mechanics of engineering surfaces, friction and wear of interfaces, tribotechnical materials science, mechanics and control processes, kinematics, dynamics, strength and reliability of machines and structural elements

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