Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article results of research of properties elastic element platform furnace with a movable hearth, the analytical model of motion, characterized by sloping skeletal curve of its amplitude-frequency characteristics. The study of the dynamics of elastic-mass system of the platform with unilateral elastic element in the form of a flattened elastic ring that provides her a strong nonlinearity, it is confirmed that the system does not symmetrical oscillation with peak acceleration values of 5.17 and 1.17 m/S2, corresponding to the extreme provisions of the different platform and four and a half times. It is shown that the horizontal arrangement of the movable hearth of the furnace significantly reduces the sensitivity of its vibrations to changes in the excitation frequency, spring stiffness, friction forces, and other factors that change due to the influence of high temperature and external environmental factors. The effect of vibration transport of bulk material along the horizontal surface of the mobile hearth of the furnace platform in the thermal field of its heating system is confirmed.

contact mechanics of engineering surfaces, friction and wear of interfaces, tribotechnical materials science, mechanics and control processes, kinematics, dynamics, strength and reliability of machines and structural elements

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