GRNTI 55.13 Технология машиностроения
GRNTI 55.19 Резание материалов
The hardening of the surface layer of steel 45 after surface plastic deformation with complex-profile and torus tools is studied, and the nature of the microhardness distribution over the depth of the studied samples processed under different conditions is considered.
surface plastic deformation of geometrically-complex tool hardening
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2. Blumenstein V. Yu., Smelyansky V. M. Mechanics of technological inheritance at the stages of processing and operation of machine parts. / V. Yu. Blumenstein, V. M. Smelyansky / / M.: Mashinostroenie-1. -2007. - P. 400
3. Kumar D., Idapalapati S., Wang W., Bhowmik A. Microstructural Characteristics and Strengthening Mechanisms in a Polycrystalline Ni-Based Super alloy under Deep Cold Rolling / D. Kumar, S. Idapalapati, W. Wang, A. Bhowmik / / Materials Science & Engineering A.-2019. - P. 1-33.
4. Mitrofanova K. S. Current state and prospects of development of PPD processes. / K. S. Mitrofanova. // In the collection: Innovations in mechanical engineering proceedings of the IX International scientific and practical conference. Edited by A. M. Markov, A.V. Balashov, and M. V. Assoc. -2018. - Pp. 418-423.
5. Russian patent no. 2557377. Roll-up multiradius roller: Pat. No. 2557377 Grew. Federation. No. 2013135797/02; application. 20.07.20153; publ. 27.05.2016, Byul. No. 27 (II CH.). 6 S.