Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
GRNTI 55.13 Технология машиностроения
Algorithms of the finite element method are developed to analyze the interaction conditions of surfaces. The concept of a "generalized contact medium" is used, within which there can be zones of liquid, boundary, and dry friction areas. An algorithm is used to distinguish different friction zones.
Parameters of interaction of friction surfaces, finite element algorithms and programs, sliding bearing, fluid flow in the gap, nonlinear properties of the medium
1. Babin, A. P. finite Element modeling of contact interaction using the provisions of contact pseudo-environment mechanics / A. p. Babin, M. V. Zernin/ / Izvestiya RAS. Solid mechanics. - 2009. - No. 4. - Yeah. 84-107.
2. Morozov, E. M. Contact problems of fracture mechanics / E. M. Morozov, M. V. Zernin. -3rd Moscow: LIBROKOM, 2017. - 544 p.
3. The program of simulation of nonlinear effects in the solution of contact problems. A. P. Babin, M. V. Zernin. /Register. in Feder. in the service of intell. own. (Rospatent) 12.10.17. - Yeah . No. 2017661434.
4. Zernin, M. V. Analysis of the mechanism of wear-fatigue damage and the results of modification of compressor bearings / M. V. Zernin, A. p. Babin A.V. Mishin, S. V. Shilko / / friction and wear-2007. - Yeah. 28. No. 6.- Yeah. 591-599
5. Zernin, M. V. Hydrodynamic analysis of sliding bearings. Part 1: Accounting for non-cylindrical working surfaces/ M. V. Zernin, A.V. Mishin, N. N. Rybkin, S. V. Shilko / / friction and wear, 2014, vol. 35, no. 5.- Yeah. 584 - 595.
6. Zernin, M. V. Accounting for hydrodynamic multi-zone friction, axis misalignment and contact compliance of the shaft and sleeve of sliding bearings / M. V. Zernin, A.V. Mishin, N. N. Rybkin, S. V. Shilko, T. V. Ryabchenko / / friction and wear.- 2017. - Yeah. 38. - No. 3 pp. 269-279
7. Computer program "finite element method of the bearing Builder". A. V. Mishin, M. V. Zernin, N. N. Rybkin, S. M. Salyga, V. V. Soprano/ Reg. in Feder. in the service of intell. own. (Rospatent) 09.01.14. - Yeah. No. 2014610341.
8. A vbFEM program that simulates three-dimensional parts with twenty-node finite elements with quasi-local third-order form functions. Rybkin N. N., Zernin M. V. / Reg. in Feder. in the service of intell. own. (Rospatent) on 21 03.19. - Yeah. No. 2019613683.
9. Femerger, which converts K to nodal pressure forces acting on the face of a twenty-node finite element with quasi-local third-order form functions. Rybkin N. N., Zernin M. V. / Reg. in Feder. in the service of intell. own. (Rospatent) 22 03.19. - Yeah . No. 2019613801
10. Murti, K. G. a note on the bard-type scheme for solving the complementarity problem / K. G. Murti / / Opsearch. - 1974. - Article 11. - Pp. 123-130.