Bryansk, Russian Federation
GRNTI 47.01 Общие вопросы электроники и радиотехники
BBK 302 Проектирование
This work is devoted to a method for numerically determining the frequency characteristics when modeling nonlinear dynamic objects, in particular during behavioral modeling of pulse converter circuits. The analysis of existing methods for modeling the frequency characteristics of pulse converters is carried out. A technique is given for reducing the amount of calculations when calculating the frequency characteristics of models of nonlinear dynamic pulse systems in the field of their stability based on a calculation in the time domain. This allows one to take into account the essential features of the studied nonlinear objects, in contrast to the linearized models applicable only to the small signal mode. The method is based on the use of correlation analysis when finding the steady-state stationary motion of the simulated object in the time domain while varying the frequency of the harmonic input signal. The results of modeling using the proposed approach are presented.
switching voltage converters, microcircuits, simulation, frequency response analysis
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