GRNTI 47.01 Общие вопросы электроники и радиотехники
BBK 302 Проектирование
The possibilities of creating digital prototypes of products of varying complexity using Autodesk Inventor and MS Excel variables are considered. The procedure for creating solid models using Autodesk Inventor and their relationship with MS Excel variables is given using an example of a plunger-type part. The advantages of using this design method are given.
solid model, digital prototype, Autodesk Inventor, plunger
1. Koncevich, V.G. Tverdotel'noe modelirovanie mashinostroitel'nyh izdeliy v Autodesk Inventor / V.G. Koncevich. - Kiev, Moskva: DiaSoftYuP, DMK Press, 2007. - 672 s.
2. Balakin A.I. Komp'yuterno-integrirovannoe proektirovanie: ucheb. posobie / A.I. Balakin, L.E Kartashov, V.Ya. Kopp, O.V. Filipovich. - Sevastopol': SevNTU, 2014. - 170 s.
3. GOST 12483-67. Plunzhery. Konstrukciya (s Izmeneniyami N 1, 2) - M.: IPK Izd-vo standartov, 2000. - 4 s.