Russian Federation
GRNTI 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
BBK 3297 Вычислительная техника
This article is devoted to the choice of a bionic image as the most visually comfortable when designing industrial products. The paper describes the problem of the lack of industrial products visually comfortable artistic image. A detailed analysis of the research problem was carried out and criteria for evaluating the options for outline solutions were determined. Three artistic images of children's sledges connected with the main function of the designed product were chosen. For each artistic image, a conceptual design of the product body was created. Using the method of expert assessments by professionals in the field of design, the most promising outline solution of the case was determined in terms of aesthetic and ergonomic qualities. Based on the selected, bionic most promising solution, a three-dimensional model of the designed object was developed. In accordance with the bionic cart of children's sledges, a harmonious coloristic solution was chosen. The object has a spectacular appearance due to the vivid image of a mountain sheep, and also corresponds to aesthetic and ergonomic parameters. The article formed the stages of bionic design of a children's sled in accordance with the criteria of aesthetics and ergonomics, which can be used to design such objects.
bionic image, children's sleigh, ergonomic criterion, aesthetics criterion, image
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