GRNTI 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
BBK 3297 Вычислительная техника
The Russian road system is an important part of the transport structure. High wear, difficulty in driving, and a decrease in road safety lead to a decrease in the number of transportation in the country. In addition, imperfect road geometry does not allow increasing the speed mode on the highway. This article presents the features of the route simulation, taking into account the above disadvantages. The geometric aspects of the design of the road route in the plan are considered. Disadvantages and limitations of existing tracing methods are shown. The task is to select and adapt a geometric modeling program to solve the problems of high-quality road tracing in the plan. The «FairCurveModeler» program is proposed for geometric modelling of high quality curves according to smoothness criteria. A comparative testing of the methods of the «FairCurveModele»r program with the methods of the top CAD system «NX12» is carried out. The results obtained allow for a smoother construction of curves in the design of automobile and other routes.
road, track, curve, computer simulation, smoothness, tracing
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