Russian Federation
GRNTI 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
BBK 3297 Вычислительная техника
The paper presents an approach to the reconstruction of the flame temperature field using a spectral ratio pyrometer. The device registers the intensity of the radiation from the measured flame in several spectral ranges using interference filters and photodiodes. Signal amplification occurs using the developed transimpedance amplifier. The pyrometer determines the temperature by measuring the ratio of the radiation intensity in two different spectral ranges. The signal is determined by integrating the intensity of the flame radiation along the optical system line of sight. Measurement of flame from several angles allows to get the Radon transform for this area. Calculation of the inverse transformation allows to obtain the field of local flame temperatures. The work presents an experimental setup for measuring flame local temperatures and software that allows to automate the measurement process and restore tomograms of temperature fields.
high gas temperatures measurement, spectral ratio pyrometer, tomography of temperature, Radon transform
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