GRNTI 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
BBK 3297 Вычислительная техника
In this paper we propose an approach to create cyber-physical museum exhibits based on the methods and means of scientific visualization, Internet of things, additive technologies and ontology engineering. Cyber-physical exhibit consists of tightly interconnected virtual and real parts. Scientific visualization is used as methodological and technological basis for presenting the virtual part, which can contain relevant digital content and 3D-reconstructions. Internet of things is a core technology to create tangible interfaces for the corresponding visualization software. Additive technologies allow creating virtual reconstructions and precise copies of museum exhibits. Ontology engineering provides adaptive mechanisms for seamless integration of new cyber-physical exhibits into the existing digital infrastructure of museums. The proposed approach is used in practice to create cyber-physical exhibits in State Darwin Museum (Moscow) and Museum of Permian Antiquities (Perm).
museum, scientific visualization, Internet of things, tangible interface, cyber-physical system, additive manufacturing, ontology engineering
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