Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper discusses the results of the effective application of the method of spatial visualization of the flow around models in industrial ADT T - 128, combined with standard weight tests. Visualization of flow over the model was performed by varying humidity and temperature of the flow in test section. The results of a consistent standard weight experiment and a physical study of the characteristics of the flow around an aerodynamic model in an industrial ADT T - 128 are presented. In standard weight tests using video methods, the complex flow structure arising from the flow around an aerodynamic model at subsonic and transonic speeds is investigated. The results of balance measurements with simultaneous application of the method of spatial flow visualization around model in industrial T - 128 wind tunnel allowed to obtain physical information on the flow structure - a shock-waves, flow separation, wing vibration and deformation, the onset of asymmetric vortices. This greatly allows to expand the information content of experimental studies, to increase their reliability and to give a correct interpretation of the results obtained.

aerodynamic wind tunnel, physical and weight experiment, spatial visualization of the flow, shock waves, flow separation, asymmetry of vortices, informativity of research, interpretation of experimental data

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