Kazan', Russian Federation
Russian Federation
GRNTI 50.51 Автоматизация проектирования
BBK 302 Проектирование
TBK 5136 Системы автоматического проектирования
The results of simulation modeling of a 10 kV distribution network are presented. It is shown that with single-phase earth closures, a stable sign of the presence of damage on the feeder in the form of an intermittent arc is the composition of higher harmonics.
single-phase earth fault, frequency characteristics of overhead lines, resonant harmonics of current and voltage, fault location, electrical networks
1. Fedotov, A.I. Opredelenie mest obryva i odnofaznyh zamykaniy na zemlyu v raspredelitel'nyh elektricheskih setyah po parametram rezhima na storone 0,4 kV ponizhayuschih podstanciy / A.I. Fedotov, G.V. Vagapov, N.V. Rozhencova, R.E. Abdullazyanov // Promyshlennaya energetika. - 2016. -№4. - S. 34-40.
2. Fedotov, A. Detection of places of single-phase ground fault by frequency of the resonance / A. Fedotov, R. Abdullazyanov, G. Vagapov, L. Grackova // 57th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (RTUCON-2016) of Riga Technical University13-14 October.-Riga.- R. 214-219.
3. Fedotov, A. Location of single-phase ground fault by positive, negative and zero sequence of overhead power lines in ungrounded power grids of 6-10-35 kV level voltage / A. Fedotov, G. Vagapov, N. Chernova // Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering «ELEKTROENERGETIKA 2017» 12-14 September, 2017, Stará Lesná, Slovak Republic. - Technical University of Košice, 2017. - R. 384-388.