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Abstract (English):
The paper discusses the features of connecting inverters to linear induction machines for stirring aluminum alloys. Modes of the inverter with an asymmetrical inductor go far beyond the typical, and close to emergency. Therefore, when developing three-phase IGBT-inverters, circuitry of induction machine windings and a low power factor are taken into account. The design of the inverter is performed according to the results of modeling a magnetic field and power circuit modes. The distribution of currents and magnetomotive forces in the windings is investigated using vector diagrams. According to the calculation results, components are selected, and in the PWM controller algorithm, the mode mutation is provided for and the range of protection is limited.

three-phase frequency inverter, longitudinal magnetic field inductor, induction machine circuitry, power circuit simulation, vector current diagram, nonlinear magnetic equivalent circuit, magnetomotive force of the inductor multiphase winding
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